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Ted learns how to teleport

Ren: Oi Ted?

Ted: Yo?

Ren: Have you ever thought of switching the places of your fire?

Ted: Maybe. It'd probably be pretty hard.

Ted will soon learn that it is

Ren: Ten bucks says you can't make this filler chapter less than a thousand words.


Ted walks to a random clearing in the forest and gets to work.

Ted shoots a fireball and keeps a stationary one in his hand.

He switches their places instantaneously.

Ted: That was super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Ren: Really?

Theo: Now try doing that with your body.

Ted: What?

Theo: Make your body switch places with something made of your fire.

Ted uses his brain and thinks.

Ted has a look of realisation as Theo makes a dark blue and yellow lightbulb appear over his head.

Ted: Like the Flying Raijin!

Theo: Kinda, you're not teleporting to it, you're switching places with it.

Ted: But we can just make another one and have it look like I'm teleporting to it.

Ren: Wait a sec, Ted hasn't even mastered the Element Cloak, how is he gonna turn himself into his fire?

Theo: Well, you don't need to master the Element Cloak to transform into your element, you just need to master it to keep your shape.

Ted: So I just need to change the properties of my body to be that of a small ball of fire.

Ren: What could go wrong?

Five minutes later~~~~~~~~~

Ted is laying on the ground, his veins on fire... literally

Ren: That, that could go wrong.

Theo: I told you starting from your blood would be a bad idea.

Ren: Is he dead?

Theo: Nah, he'll be fine.

A few minutes go by and Ted's back at it again.

Ren: With the white Vans.

Ted: I don't even own a pair of Vans or anything from them really.

Ren: You have that one wrist band.

Theo: How did you even lose the other one?

Ted: Says probably the reason.

Theo: Eh, probably.

Ren: Oi, shitty protagonist.

Ted: What, also shitty protagonist?

Ren: Have you thought about using your clones for help?

Ted: Well, yeah, but I don't wanna just copy all of what Naruto did to get stronger.

Theo: Be a lot cooler if you did.

Ted: Well call me Tatsumi Uzumaki Namikaze because we're about to be teleporting.

Ren: Not so subtle foreshadowing.

Theo: Well, if he wanted to be more on the nose he'd call himself an Uchiha.

Ted: Hokage Bunshin no Jutsu!

Thirteen more Teds appear from a somewhat giant swirl of his black and white fire.

Ted: Get to work boys!

The Ted clones start training how to turn themselves into fire.

Ren: Wait a fuck, aren't they already made of your fire?

Ted: Oh right.

Ted then uses his immaculate Inergy control to create ordinary, non-fire clones of himself.

Theo: Wait what? Since when could we do that?

Ted: Since I figured out how to separate the element from the Inergy, I could make a regular Rasengan if I wanted to.

Theo: How? And when? I go through all of your memories whenever you sleep.

Ted: Yesterday I didn't go to sleep, memba?

Theo: I was awake with you! How did you do this?

Ted: Ask Not, he probably knows.

I... do not, I just wanted to give Ted another random overpowered ability.

Theo: Well that's just fine and dandy. But when the fuck do I get to do that?

When your Int stat gets over 70.

Theo: Teds isn't even that high! You fucking prick!

You forget that I make the rules here. I could erase you from the story and nothing would change.

Theo: You wouldn't dare. I'm your second favourite character!

Yeah, behind Galv. I could simply give him more screen time. No one would notice you being gone.

Ren: Not to interrupt your lover's quarrel but Ted's done.

Ted: Yep!

Ted throws a kunai made of his fire and quickly turns himself into a ball of fire that he switches places with the kunai and reforms himself.

Ted: I think I'm gonna call it my incomplete Flying Flame God Jutsu.

Ren: So you intend to improve on it?

Ted: Fuck no, I'm gonna wait till I get my second element from The Second Activation and improve from there.

Ren: I see...

Theo: Welp this chapter's over so we have no reason to be here anymore.

Ted: Protagonists... roll out!

Tell me what you think losers ._.

This is a filler so you only get the whatever.


Also, Ren owes me Ten bucks.

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