Chapter 14

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The one where fights happen

Sam Vs. Lez

Sam walks up to the stage at the same time as Lez.

Sam: Heard you were pretty strong, let's test that.

Lez: No tests are needed, I know I'll put up a fight.

Milf Door: Ready?

Sam: Yeah.

Lez: Let's get this started!

Milf Door: Fight!

Sam's body is surrounded by a grey and pink aura as he rushes at Lez at high speeds.

Lez is surrounded by a similar blue aura as they engage in close-quarters combat.

Lez uses his keyboard like a sword/bat kinda thing.

Lez shoots a small blue blast from his hand that Sam counters with a grey and pink blast.

Sam: You're pretty good, I might have to use more power.

Lez: Heh, don't go all out on me just yet!

Sam: Oh if that's how you wanna play it then let's get it on.

Sam starts outputting 73% of the full power of that form

Lez starts putting out 69% of his full power.

They rush at each other again and punch each other in the face.

Lez vanishes from sight appearing above Sam and delivering a vicious double sledgehammer to his head, knocking him into the stage, creating a crater.

Lez isn't finished yet, he shoots out blue circles of Inergy that hold Sam down as he pummels his stomach and chest with the keyboard.

Lez beats Sam's body for a minute straight before Milf Door almost calls the match but is interrupted by Loud Door.

Loud Door: In a surprising turn of events! Sam uses a clone to kick Lez off of him!

Sam's fire clone helps Sam up and then disappears.

Lez recovers and starts building up Inergy in his hands

Lez: Ka... Me... Ha... Me...!

Sam switches back to Energize and quickly charges an attack almost as powerful as Lez's Kamehameha.

Lez: Ha!

Sam and Lez clash beams as they begin to struggle.

Lez's Kamehameha starts to overtake Sam's beam.

Sam: Damnit! If I knew this was gonna happen, I'd have asked Ted to teach me how to teleport.

Sam's beam is almost completely overtaken as Lez mumbles some words.

Lez: Ninety-eight percent... ninety-nine percent... one hundred percent!

Lez's Kamehameha grows exponentially, completely beating Sam's beam...

Lez: Did I win?

Sam: Nah.

Sam creates a ball of Inergy that he sends at Lez's back, sending him out of the stage and making a small explosion.

Sam falls onto his back, he expended too much Inergy with those last two attacks.

Sam: Hehe... Hahaha! That was fun! We should fight again sometime yeah?

Sam expected his opponent to make some kind of noise but he was knocked out cold.

Milf Door: Sam Lemons... WINS!!

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