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Again, before Ted's birthday, though it does have spoilers for season three, not many but they're there.

Narrated by Kevin.

Ren: That Action tag should be replaced.

Theo: By what? There's still action in the story.

Ren: Most of Season 2 is talking, and the beginning of Season Three is on a fucking boat.

Ted: On which mostly talking happens.

Theo: Well there is me and Ethan's Race.

Ren: "Ethan and I's," dumbass.

Ted: Well there might be a surprise villain on the island.

Ren: The most conflict that happens is between Katia and a Dog-Girl, and it's over that fucking Idiot.

Theo: Hey! The Brando Curse isn't my fault. Though I may be the first, I'm not the reason it was put on my bloodline.

Ted just deadpans at Theo.

By the way, he is the direct reason the curse was put on his bloodline.

Ren: You know what, play the fucking flashback.

Theo: Wait no you can't do tha-!

Flashback brought to you by Theo sitting in a corner.

Like millions of years ago.

Theo speaking ancient Unga boonga language: Huh? What? What am I? Who am I? Where am I? What is I?

Not coming down from his weeb nest: You are the first of your kind, and you are destined to live a ridiculously long life.

Theo did not understand Not, but he kinda did you know?

Not: Now, choose which you find the most attractive.

Not shows Theo a picture of what would be a character known as Lana, a female Centipede Beastwoman, and Katia.

Yeah, yeah, "But Kat isn't a girl." She looks enough like one.

Theo, seeing the absolutely Godly Thighs of Katia, chose the Centipede Beastwoman because he's weird.

Kevin: So should I tell her or...

Not: Kev, you will not speak a single word to my sister. Or so help me, Lad, you will be in a multiverse of pain.

Kevin: Alright, I won't tell her, I called her before you showed him the pictures, she should be here right about...

A lightning bolt strikes the ground next to the two, a field of flowers appearing beneath the two's feet.

Kevin: Now.

Not: Damn it Kev... Sis! How've you been? Got anything your oh so dear brother can do?

A woman with pure black skin that seemed to invigorate the foliage around her stepped out of the light provided by her arrival.

Not's Sister: Brother, how is the test going?

Not: Oh you mean with the Grewfin-

Not's Sister gave her brother a look that said "we talked about this" and or "No."

Not: I mean Brando's?

Not's Sister: Precisely.

Not: Well I just made the first one. Just making sure he's not defective like the old Grewf-

Not's Sister gave him the same look.

Not: Old Brando's. But he seems to have a mental defect that I'll fix later.

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