Sharing Presents

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Leo's girl's POV

You hum under your breath as you skip down towards the lair,  it was (winter celebration) and you were so excited to see Leo's reaction to his presents. You also couldn't wait to give Master Splinter the present that you and the other girls had bought for him.

"Leo!" you squeal happily,  jumping into his arms and hugging him,  he chuckles and gives you a quick kiss.  You flush slightly and then hand him his gift. You turn and see Mikey and (Mikey's girl) and Raph. You could hear (Raph's girl) in the kitchen and you were sure Donnie and (Donnie's girl) were in the lab or garage. Leo sits down and you hug (Mikey's Girl) and wave to the boys,  you then sit down and wait for the others so you could open presents.

Raph's girl's POV

You mutter under your breath as you whip up a quick meal for everyone. Oddly enough you were the best cook out of everyone and had offered to make a meal. It wasn't going to be huge but you made sure to have options for everyone.

You shout a quick hello to (Leo's girl)  as you put the main course  in the oven to stay warm. You then walk through and sit on Raph's lap,  he puts his arms around you and nuzzles your neck gently. You look around.

"Where's (Donnie's girl), I haven't seen her,  or Donnie for that matter," you say.  The boys shrug while (Mikey's girl) bounces slightly.

"I dunno but I hope they get here soon!"

Soon you and (Leo's girl) goes to look for Donnie and (Donnie's girl), while Leo goes to fetch Master Splinter.

Donnie's girl's POV

You and Donnie had been working on the Shellraiser almost all night.  You let out a small shriek when someone touched your shoulder. You spun around to see (Raph and Leo's girls). You laughed and hit them playfully.  Donnie came over.

"Are you okay my little copper atom?" He asks,  hugging you,  you laugh and pull away slightly.

"Come on we're going to exchange presents!" (Leo's girl) squeals tugging on your sleeve. You giggle and walk after them, pulling Donnie along behind you.

~Time skip~

Mikey's girl's POV

You sat eagerly between Mikey and (Leo's girl). You thrust Mikey's gifts into his hands and grin at him.  He laughs and rips into it.

"Awesome sugarcube I love it!" Mikey shouts, hugging you and gazing at the video games and the board game excitedly. You smile and hug him back.  He grins at you and hands you a small box,  wrapped up and tied with a (favorite color) ribbon.  You carefully open it and then let out a loud squeal. You pull out a (favorite jewelry item)  it was beautiful and you quickly (put it on/got him to put it on). You then turned to Raph and his girl.

Raph's girl's POV

You see Mikey and (Mikey's girl) turn to you,  you roll your eyes and hand Raph his present. He opens it and gapes.

"Babe,  how...  Where?" he asks,  turning to you. You smirk and tap the side of your nose as the other girls laugh.  He pulls you closer and kisses you. You laugh and pull back.  He hands you a small box. You open it and see (favorite band/singer)'s new album and tickets to see them live. You let out a small scream and throw your arms around Raph. He smirks and hugs you,  pulling you onto his lap as you turn to Leo and (Leo's girl).

Leo's girl's POV

You hand Leo his gifts and smile. He opens the smaller box first and grins at the candles he saw.  He opens the long box and gasps.  He turns to you as he lifts the new sheaths. You grin and he gives you a hug and hands you a box. You open it to see a (random sport related gift you would like). You give him a kiss and turn to Donnie and his girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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