First Kiss - Leonardo

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You and Leo were watching Space Heros together. You were completely obvious to the world around you. All you cared about was Captain Ryan and his men. You reach out for some more popcorn (if you don't like popcorn pick something else), when your (skin/colour) hand touched Leo's green hand, you tear your attention away from the tv and look at your boyfriend. He smiled softly at you. You smile back and cuddle closer to him. As the two of you turn back to the tv you see that Captain Ryan had saved the princess. As you watched, the two cartoon characters kissed. You blushed slightly. You suddenly feel a finger under your chin, turning your head. You smile at Leo. He leans in.

"I'm gonna kiss you now," he warns. He leans closer, you leaning in also, and then finally after what seemed like an age, your lips meet. It was a short kiss, but for the two of you it was perfect. You giggle and snuggle closer to Leo again, both of your cheeks slightly pink.

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