Meeting Him - Leonardo

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"Bye (Y/N)! Thanks for helping us win the game!"

"Yeah great job Team Captain! " You blush slightly under the praise. You had just coached your (sport/ extra curricular activity ) team to first place and you and your team were heading home after the celebrations. You wave over your shoulder and seperate from your team mates.

. . . . . . . . . .

The wind blew past you and you drew your (f/c) coat closer to you. You sure wished you had brought a warmer coat. You were lost in thought when a hand grabbed your arm and slammed you into the wall.

'The one known as you should not be in this place where you should not be,' a robot voice says, you blink up at the figure, still dazed from hitting off the wall.

'Wha?' You ask confused as you tried to process what the guy had said.

'The one known as you, in the place known as the place you should not be, will be eliminated for being in this place where you should not be.'

Your eyes widen. Eliminated? You struggle against the hand holding you against the wall.

'P-please lemme g-go,' you stutter and just as the man opened his mouth to respond, there were pink flashes. He half-turns around, just as another man, who was identical to the one pinning you, came flying and crashed into the wall next to you. You cry out and try to move away. Several flashes later and the man holding you was thrown away from you. You sink to the ground and stare up in shock and mild horror. Four giant things where beating up the identical men. Not long after, the fighting ended. The things victorious.

'Excuse me miss..' one says softly approaching slowly, this thing was wearing a purple bandana around it's eyes. You flinch back and whimper slightly. It steps back quickly and turns to another one. This one wearing a blue bandana around it's eyes. They converse quietly as you attempt to stand. You were unsuccessful and ended up falling forward. You gasp as a pair of thick green arms wrapped around you. You glance up into bright blue eyes and a blue bandana.

'Miss are you alright?' It asks, this ones voice was deeper, so you assumed it was male.

'Y-yes, I'm fine,' you stutter looking into the beautiful blue eyes.

'Good, I'm going to help you stand alright?' You nod. As you are gently set on your feet, with his arm around your waist, steadying you.

'You three finish the mission. I'll help her.' He says. The other three ran off.

'May I know your name miss?' He says gently looking at you.

'(Y/N) my name is (Y/N).' You say. He smiles showing pearly white teeth.

'My name is Leonardo, or Leo for short.' You smile back.

'It's nice to meet you, and I don't mean to be rude but... umm.. what exactly are you?' You ask. He chuckles, causing you to blush.

'I'm a turtle. A mutant turtle.' You nod your head.

'Well I must thank you for saving me, but I really must be going home.' You say. He nods.

'If you want I could take you,' he offers.

'I would appreciate it. If you are not busy.' You say awkwardly. He grins.

'Nope I'm free, hold on tight.' He says. You gasp as he sweeps you up into his arms and leaps onto the nearby roof.

'Okay you hold on and direct me.'

. . . . . . . . .

Several minutes later found the two of you flying from roof to roof, with you giving directions every so often.

'Okay here we are, this is my roof. I can make it from here.' You say, he shakes his head.

'I'd feel better if I took you all the way there,' you blush and nod slightly. You direct him to your window.

You slide open your window and climb in, you turn back to Leo.

'Could you apologise to the other three for me, I was quite rude in my initial reaction,' you say politely. He grins.

'Of course.' He begins to turn away when he pauses. 'Umm.. here is my number incase you umm.. need my assistance again.'

'Oh my... thank you,' you say, blushing taking the piece of paper and smiling at Leo.

'Goodnight (Y/N),' he says softly.

'Goodnight Leo, be careful,' you say. He waves and jumps away. You close your window and fall into bed, a small sweet smile on your face.


Hi guys, I decided to do one of these. Could you comment if you see any mistakes as I typed this on my phone and the keyboard is small (excuses) also if you have any tips on improving my word order, choice or punctuation at all it would be greatly appreciated. :) umm I'll get started on the other three ASAP but I can't guarantee when they will be finished/uploaded as im in my fourth year of secondary school (scottish here guys) and I have exams and tests to study for. I figured since I wanted to take higher English this would be a good practice for my skills of second person views. :) yup cuz I'm a nerd and am using tmnt boyfriend scenarios as revision and practice for english *facepalms* c ya all later. Animepercypottercrazedgirl =^*^=

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