First Kiss - Michelangelo

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You and Mikey were skateboarding around the abandoned part of the city, the same place as your first date. You were going slowly with your hands in your pockets watching Mikey perform tricks for you, you didn't notice the stone.

"Aahhh!" You scream, falling to the ground with a thump. Mikey runs over and begins looking over you to make sure you were alright.

"Are you alright Angel cakes?" He asks, you look up at him, with some tears in your eyes.

"Perhaps a kiss will make you feel better?" He asks, leaning forward,  he kisses you softly and only for a moment but it still left you breathless. You blush as he helps you up. Mikey then begins to teach you a new trick. It was difficult to learn seeing as he kept stopping just to peck you on the lips.


Heu there guys. Sorry once again for the shortness of Mikey's.

Also I am so so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated. I got my phone taken off me for swearing at my mum, who in my defence swore first. Anyway she took my phone and my ipod away for 72 hours or three days, and the other two days I was shopping, babysitting, dealing with animals and doing homework.  Once again I am sorry.

I also have a request, I thought about this while writing out Mikey's one. Has anyone got nicknames for the boys to give you? Bcuz I can't really think of any. Just comment some or pm me thank you and also any ideas for other scenarios would be awesome. ^-^ thanks.

Animepercypottercrazedgirl = ^ * ^ =

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