Your period - Michelangelo

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You walk into the lair, you had bought Mikey a new game,  and you couldn't wait to play it with him. You also brought pizza,  the smell of which drew the boys to you as soon as you entered.

"(Y/N)! Sugar cube! You brought pizza! You are the most amazing person I know!" Mikey says, hugging you. You let out a giggle, he releases you and you both grab pizza and head to the living room. Once there you hand Mikey the game.

"Oh my goodness, sugar cube!  How did you know? I have been looking at that game for days!" he squeals,  hugging you again,  he pecks your lips and turns around to play the game. You laugh and cuddle into his side, giving him advice and hints. You loved playing games with Mikey, because everytime he won a level he would lean down and kiss you softly.

  You giggle as you receive another kiss, you feed Mikey some more pizza as well. He smiles down at you.

"Having fun sugar cube?" he asks,  pausing the game.

"Of course, I love hanging out with you," you say, hugging him. He grins and continues. The two of you played the game most of the night before you both passed out, cuddling each other. Mikey never even noticed that you were on your period.

Sorry they're so short. I am extremely sorry that I haven't been updating very often, I have been given so much homework, and add on the fact I only have like three/four weeks until prelims. (practise exams)  so I'm a little preoccupied with school work. Also I am running a little low on ideas.  I was thinking about doing a Yuletide/Christmas/other winter celebration chapter, but I wanted to know what you guys all celebrate, I'm doing one chapter for Christmas and one for Yuletide, but are there any others you guys want me to do? And who will be what?  And just curious, do you guys have any holiday traditions? Me and my family always watch 'Muppet's a Christmas carol' together. :) just comment some traditions and they may just make an appearance in the book ;) also if you have any ideas on presents you could give them, and presents the could give you, I would love them. :)


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