Texting him - Donatello

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You were walking back from running an errand. You walk in through the back door using your key. You quietly lay past the food you were sent to get when you heard a loud crash. You jump and spin around. Thankfully the door to the main part of the shop was open slightly so you peered silently through the gap. You gasp as you saw the Purple Dragons threatening Murakami with weapons. They were wrecking everything in sight. You get out your phone and back away, you hide to the best of your abilities, as you text Donnie.

You: Donnie, it's (Y/N). Can you come please? It's the Purple Dragons.

Donnie: Are you alright?

You smile slightly.

You: Yes I'm alright, but Murakami isn't. They have weapons.

Donnie: Okay if you are sure you're alright..

You blush at his concern.

You: Yes I am fine I don't think they know about this part of the shop. Just hurry please.

You bite your lip as there was no response. You curl up smaller and wait for help to arrive.

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