First date - Michelangelo

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You wait impatiently for the bell to ring. Your eyes were drawn to the clock, counting down the minutes until you could go home.

(Insert bell sound here)

Finally! You throw your bag onto your shoulder and sprint out of the classroom.  You sprint all the way home, you fling open the front door and continue up to your room. You throw down your bag and head towards the bathroom, discarding your school uniform as you went. You hopped into the (shower/bath). Once you were done you wrap yourself in a towel and dart back to your room. It was about half five. You quickly get dressed. You decide on (f/ style + colour) jeans, a (f/style + colour) shirt. Then you get started on your hair. It was nearing six when you finally finished. You head to the kitchen and make some food. Then you wait.

. . . . . . .

At exactly 8 o'clock Mikey appeared at your window. You let him in and he gives you a hug.

"I'm so excited about our date!" Mikey says, you giggle.

"Me too Mikestar," you say. He sweeps you up into his arms.

"Hold on tight dudette," he says, leaping out your window. You laugh and the two of you chat slightly as your amazing boyfriend takes you to your date spot.

. . . . . . . . .

It was a beautiful sight. Pizza, video games and skateboarding. In an abandoned part of the city. You would have been creeped out if Mikey hadn't been there,  holding your hand as the two of you skated and talked, ate and played games. All in all it was a perfect first date, for both of you.

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