Asking you out - Leonardo

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You yawned and stretched. You glare down at your homework,  you had been sitting there for two hours trying to finish it. You shake your head and go to the kitchen to get (f/drink). You were humming quietly to yourself so you didn't hear the tap on your window. You continue on your way, deciding to also make some (f/food).

. . . . .

(Leo's POV)

Leo opens your window.  Concerned that you hadn't heard him. He looked around him, when he didn't see you he headed to the kitchen, silently because he wasn't sure if anyone else was home.

. . . . . . . . .

(Back to you)

You were still humming to yourself, having totally forgotten that Leo was supposed to be coming over. Suddenly a hand touches your shoulder. You grab the nearest 'weapon', the frying pan, and spin around swinging it at your 'attacker'.

"Whoa! (Y/N) calm down it's just me! " Leo says, ducking under the frying pan. You feeze.

"Oops sorry Leo, " you giggle, blushing slightly. He chuckles.

"It's fine, didn't you hear me knock?" Leo asks. You shake your head.

"No I'm sorry, I was doing homework and totally forgot you were coming round," you admit.

"It's fine, I didn't mean to startle you," he says, smiling at you. You take him back up to your room, after getting him a drink and food also. The two of you sat by the window and ate for a while, eventually,  as you were finishing you remembered why Leo was here.

"Wasn't there something you wanted to ask me Leo?" You ask, turning away from the window to look at him. He mumbles something incoherent, looking at the floor.

"Pardon? I didn't quite catch that?" He sighs and turns to look you in the eye.

"(Y/N) would you be willing to be my girlfriend?" He says confidently.  You blush bright red and nod slightly.

"Yes Leo!  I would love to!" You squeal happily.  He grins and the two of you sit, cuddling watching Space Heros.


Hey guys... *rubs back of neck awkwardly* sorry I haven't been updating.  I umm have been writing but all my teachers decided that the best way to stop teenage rebellion is to drown us in homework... not that I'm much of a rebel (cough teacher's oet cough) but I still have loads of homework.  And basically I am spending my time having breakdowns and crying uncontrollably. .. so yeah sorry if updates are unpredictable. I am trying. Also mock trial we came in like fourth or something... oh well always next year. And why do I have to be such a dork? I messaged my long long long time crush on facebook on Saturday and now it Tuesday night, he's been online and nothing... he hasn't even looked. *cries* I'm done with people. Anywho hope you liked the chapters and Donnie's is almost done I will have it up tomorrow (hopefully). And I figured out the issue. I just logged out ans back in and it worked so I still don't know why

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