Buying presents for the winter holidays- Leonardo

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You skipped down the road, heading towards the shops to get Leo his presents. You were totally stuck for Leo however. You continued to look. You saw an amazing candle set, it had purple, orange red, green and blue, you knew Leo liked a candle lit while he was meditating and they seemed perfect, you needed something else though. You walked down a smaller street, you were giving up for tonight, when something caught your eye. It was a small shop, almost totally hidden from view, what caught your eye was the fact that it appeare to have a Japanese theme. You decides to go in. Inside was small, you glances around, it was all kinds of antiques, Japanese origin. You smile as you see two Katana sheaths, a slightly dulled blue, but beautiful non the less. You remembered that something had happened to his favorite ones while on a mission. You let a grin sneak onto your face as you acquire the attention of the owner of the small shop, you would have to mention it to the others.

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