Asking you out - Raphael

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You were lounging on your roof, watching the sky. There were some clouds, you couldn't see the stars brilliantly but the few you could see were beautiful. You had always enjoyed looking up at the sky. You had headphones in listening to (f/band/song) and therefore you didn't hear the gentle thud behind you, which signaled Raph's arrival. He didn't approach immediately, deciding to watch you for a while. Now Raph didn't usually sit back and watch, he preferred action, but the way the city lights were highlighting you, he couldn't seem to move. Your beauty and serenity astonished him. He shook his head, now he really sounded like Donnie.  He takes a deep breath and walks over, tapping your shoulder.

"(Y/N)," he says, his deep voice, reaching your ears even with the music playing. You tore out your headphones.

"Raph," you say, he sits next to you.  The two of you chat for a while.

"(Y/N) will y-" there was an almighty crash and a small scream that got cut off. Raph stands, growling at whoever ruined this. The two of you head towards the sound. The Foot Clan once again. Raph heads down and beats them up. You watch in awe.

. . . . . .

After Raph totally destroyed the Foot Clan members the two of you headed back to your room, you had bought a new horrow film and the two of you wanted to watch it.

  As you came back up with (f/movie snack) you opened your door and tripped.

"Careful." Raph says, catching you and the food. You smile up at him.

"Thank you," Raph nods and places the food on your desk, and while still holding you whispers gruffly against your ear.

"Be my girl?"

You flush, and pull back slightly.

"Of course," you say, he doesn't respond just picks up the food and pulls you over to your bed to sit and cuddle, watching (horror film).


Sorry this is rather short but at the same time, in my opinion it is a great way to be asked out. Don't ask me why just my opinion. Anyway I hope you enjoyed both Raph and Donnie's.  I will start Mikey tomorrow but I'm not sure when I'll be finished and posting it as I have a trip tomorrow (woo English trip!!) Also THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I have got like 1.08K views!!! I am so so so happy right now. And o have 145 votes. I can't believe it. I never got this much attention on I got like three reviews for three chapters... and less the 50 views. Idk why but who cares I love you all and wattpad, and once again thank you so much for making my day everyday.  ^-^ animepercypottercrazedgirl = ^ * ^ =

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