Meeting Him again - Leonardo

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You lean against the wall for what feels like an age. Then suddenly there are crashes and pink flashes. By this time it was almost 9 o'clock so the streets were basically  abandoned. You nervously chew your lip as you keep your eyes trained on the alley in front of you. Suddenly the fighting come to an end.  You (nervous habit) and check your phone. You check your messages. When you look up you squeal and flatten against the wall.

"Oops sorry (Y/N) didn't mean to scare you," Leo says, smiling at you. You let out a nervous laugh and advert your  (e/c) eyes from Leo's calming blue ones.

"Sorry, you startled me," you say.

"It's fine, now are you sure you are okay?" Leo asks. You blush.

"Completely,  they didn't know I was even here," you smile at him. He lets out a relieved sigh.

"Good. I was worried," you blush harder.

"Umm, since you're here, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? Or something?  If you're not busy of course," you say, (nervous habit again). He smiles.

"I'm free, so what do you wanna do?" He says. You grin up at him, tucking your (h/c) hair behind you ear.

"We could watch a film at mine if you want?" As Leo agrees, you see three figures approach you.

"Hey Leo you coming?" One turtle says, this one in orange.

"No I'm going to escort (Y/N) home, I'll text you later." Leo says half turning to face him. You peer around Leo as he stood on front of you as you leant against the wall.

"Oh, right um okay," the purple turtle says. You step around Leo to see him again.

"Hey, umm I'm really sorry about the way I acted before. I was really rude and my reaction from the other night was unnecessary, " you say. He smiles and the three turtles darted off. Leo turns to you.

"(Y/N) thank you, it means a lot that you apologised," he says. He picks you up and climbs up onto the roof as you responded.

"What do you mean?"

"Donnie wouldn't tell you, but your reaction really hurt him, and because it hurt him it hurts all of us, Raph mostly, " Leo explains.  You nod sadly, feeling worse. You open your window and let Leo in. You smile at him.

"So what we gonna watch?" He grins. You smile and pick up (f/film).

"Hows this?"

"Perfect!" You smile and go get (f/movie snack ). You start the film, sitting next to Leo. About half way through the film you fell asleep, leaning on Leo's shoulder. He picks you up and gently places you on your bed. He cleans up the mess and turn off the tv. He then walks over to you and kisses your forehead gently.

"Goodnight (Y/N)," he says softly. He climbs out your window smiling as he hears his name coming from your mouth.

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