Texting him - Leonardo

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You were walking home from (restaurant/cafe/coffee shop etc ) when you saw one of the robot men walking past you into the alley. You, as you back tracked to look down the alley, saw more of them. You pull out your phone and lean against the wall nearest you. You unlock it and quickly get onto contacts.

"Leo, Leo come on, " you mumble as you scroll. You smile as you see his name you quickly begin to text him.

You: Hey Leo, it's (Y/N), I saw those robots again at (random NY street ).

Leo : Okay are you still there?

You smile at how quickly he responded.You shook your head, now was not the right time to be fangirling.

You: Yeah I'm across the street leaning against the wall.

Leo: Can they see you?

You: No I'm alright Leo.

Leo: Good, (Y/N) stay safe, I'm on my way now.

You blush, and await the arrival of you hero.

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