Meeting Him again - Raphael

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You sighed. Where was he? You check the time. Oh, it had only been two minutes. You sigh again. You were about to go over and fight without Raph when you saw a motorcycle approaching very fast. It spun and skidded towards the Foot Clan goons and a familiar figure jumped off and began to fight off the Foot. You darted over and helped the guy up. He didn't actually look half bad, considering the beating he had been getting. 

"Come on let's get you outta here," you say, helping him back across the street. He began to catch his breath.

"Thank you, " he breaths, you smile slightly at him.

"No problem,  will you be okay from here?" You ask he nods and hobbles off. You turn back towards the fight. 'It's gotten really quiet' you muse. You glance up and let out a shriek. You get grabbed and taken to the roof.

"Calm down will ya?" A gruff voice says. You relax.

"Well ya snuck up on me! Wha' was I supposed to do?" You grumble. He chuckles,  causing you to blush.

"Are ya alrigh' though?" He asks, eying you with those piercing emerald eyes. (You guys are okay with him having green eyes yea? If not its  amber eyes.) You feel your cheeks heat up slightly again.

"I'm fine, they didn't know I was there," you say defensively.  He nods, you look at your feet.

"So, if you aren't busy maybe we could hang out?" You say awkwardly. Raph looks at you.

"Sure I ain't busy," Raph picks you up and jumps over to your apartment building's roof. The two of you made your way down to your apartment. The two of you decide to watch (f/horror film). You loved scary movies even though they made you jump. You direct Raph to sit on the (sofa/couch) while you got snacks.

. . . . . . . .  

After the movie, Raph's phone rings, he picks it up and answers it.

"Yeah... okay Leo... yeah... alrigh'.... I said alrigh'... fine," he grumbles. He turns to you.

"I have to go, Leo wants me to go patrolling," he explains.  You sigh softly, sad that your time with Raph was ending. You stand and walk him to your window. He stops, half out it.

"Stay safe (Y/N)," he says, but before you could respond he was gone. You lean out your window slightly to watch his silhouette dissappear into the night.

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