When you meet his family - Michelangelo

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You groan as you pick yourself up off the ground. You had just been in a huge fight.

"(Y/N)! What happened? Talk to me sugar cube!" Mikey cries picking you up. "I need to get you to Donnie."

The next thing you know you were in the sewers in your boyfriend's arms heading towards his home. You  giggle at your boyfriend's concern.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

After several minutes Mikey flung himself into what appeared to be his home.  You only had a moment to look around, you were impressed with what you saw, and then Mikey  whisked you through to what appeared to be a lab. He starts shouting for Donnie.

"Yes Mikey what is wrong now?" Donnie  asks, coming over.

"(Y/N) has been hurt.  Help her D," Mikey  whines. You laugh.

"Mikestar I'm alright trust me," you say,  hugging him closer. Mikey looks at you. "But sugar cube, you don't look alright," Mikey says, pouting.

"Look if you two are done I have work to do, it was nice to meet you (Y/N)." Donnie says,  walking away. Mikey carries you through to the living room area. He sits down, with you on his lap.

"Mikey who's this?" a blue clad turtle  asks, looking at you. You smile as Mikey introduces you.

"Hey Leo," you say he nods and turns back to the TV.

"And over there is Raph," Mikey says, pointing to another title who was beating up a scrappy looking punching bag. He didn't  respond so Mikey takes you through to meet Master Splinter. After a slightly awkward introduction you and Mikey decided to go play (insert video game here) and eat pizza (or another food of your choice)


Sorry it's so short.

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