Meeting Him - Michelangelo

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You smile as you and your girls walked home. You all lived on the same block and that's how you met. You were tuckered out from the fight you had just been in. You sported some scratches on your cheek and arms. Your hair was disheveled and you had some mud on your school uniform. You were best off. One girl had a black eye, others had bruised jaws etc. You didn't like fighting but you felt safe when you were with these girls. The bullies couldn't hurt you as much. Their words still stung but you just shrugged it off. At least until you were alone. You liked these girls. The four (if you dont like that number pick another) of you weren't particularly violent. You didnt fight unless you had to, but when you did you won. You and your girls wave and bro fist (or high five or hug ect) and all go to your own apartments. You usually climb in your window. Your parents weren't usually home when you got back from school so you found it easier to go up the fire escape and in your window. You walked into the alley and, as it was late autumn it was getting dark early, it was quite dark. So when you approached the fire escape you suddenly fell. You let out a small scream.

. . . . . . . . . .

You sit up and almost cry. Your ankle looked swollen. You try and stand and collapse almost immediately.  You let out a groan. How were you suppose to get up now?

'Who the heck left that open?' You moan. You were not expecting a voice to answer.

'Oops sorry. I was about to close it but then you fell down.' You let out a small scream.

'Where are you? Who are you? Why are you down here?' You shout.

'I'm Michelangelo but you dudette can call me Mikey.'

'Okay Mikey. Could you help me up? I need to go home and I think my ankle is twisted.' You ask. You hear movement behind you.

'Sorry dudette I don't think I can. I don't wanna scare you.' He says nervously.

'Look I won't scream or anything.  It's not like I can run away or nothing.' You say.

'I don't think I should. People don't like me much.' He mumbles,  you smile slightly, you didn't know why but despite the fact you were sitting in a sewer with a twisted ankle, you were actually enjoying yourself.

'People don't like me much either. How do you think I got the scratches?' You laugh. You hear him chuckle a little.

'Okay dudette I'll help you. But you have to promise to not scream. Or tell anyone about me.' He eventually says.

'Of course I swear on my rad new skateboard that I won't.' You say. He steps out of the shadows.  The first thing you notice is that he has adorable baby blue eyes, surrounded by an orange bandana.  The secong thing you noticed was that he was some sort of mutant.

'Here I'll carry you up.' You agree.

'Not to be rude Mikey but... what are you exactly?' He laughs.

'I'm a turtle dudette!' You smile at him. He picks you up and jumps out of the manhole and lands next to it.

'Sp dudette I never got your name.' He says smiling down to you.

'(Y/N)' you say, you ask him to help you up to your window. You open it and he carries you in.

'Here let me give you my number incase you need pizza or help. It was my fault you were hurt so...' he jots it down on a piece of paper and climbs back out your window.

'Bye Mikey.' You say he grins.

'Bye (Y/N)  be careful.' He shuts your wibdow and disappears. You collapse onto your bed and drift off into a deep slumber with a smile on your face.


Hey there people. Sorry if this is short. I didn't have much inspiration. I also find Mikey hard to write about as he is the only turtle I couldn't think of romantically.  I dont know why but I'm gonna try. Anywho the majority of this was written on the bus and at lunch. Haha I need to make friends and get a life *cries* anyway I am really grateful for everyone who has read and voted you guys are the reason I have been updating so quickly. Animepercypottercrazedgirl =^*^=

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