Your period - Donatello

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You walk into the lair and sigh,  you hated your period, you always got really moody, you just hoped you didn't snap at anyone,  especially Donnie. He was always so nice and calm, you didn't want to upset him,  all because of a stupid period.

"Hey (Y/N), do you wanna play with me? Donnie is busy with his retro-mutagen, so pleeaaasee play with me," Mikey whines, and despite your sour mood, you smile.

"What game did you have in mind Mikey?" you ask,  knowing how important this project is to Donnie. Mikey cheers and drags you off to play some video game. Well to teach you to play some video game. As you were finally getting the hang of it you hear a loud cheer from elsewhere in the lair, Mikey pauses the game and the two of you make your way to the source of the cheer. Donnie's lab. You rush in,  in a surprisingly much better mood, and hug Donnie.

"What has you so happy?" Donnie and you ask at the same time,  causing you to giggle and Donnie to laugh his dorky laugh.

"I finished the retro-mutagen," Donnie explains, showing you it. You let out an "oooh" and inspect it carefully, not touching it.

"Kitten? What has you so happy? And when did you get here?"

"I got here a while ago,  and Mikey was teaching me to play some game, and I'm not too sure why I'm so happy. I guess it's just nice to hang out with you and your family," you say, Donnie laughs and hugs you. Donnie secures the retro-mutagen and then he watches as you surprisingly beat Mikey at the video game. Overall, you decided, maybe having your period wasn't so bad, if you had your boyfriend and his brothers - well Mikey at least.

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