First date - Leonardo

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It was nearing ten, so you quietly slipped out your window and up onto the roof. Making sure to avoid any one seeing you. You sat on the roof for a while. You tug your (f/colour) scarf and look around.

"(Y/N)," Leo says, you turn around and blush.

"You look beautiful, " he says, smiling at you, you giggle and tuck a strand of (hair/colour) hair behind your ear.

"You look nice too," you say. He tugs on the little blue bow tie the same colour as his bandana, and chuckles.

"It's cute, I really like it, now where are we going?" You ask. He smiles his breathtaking smile at you and scoops you into his arms. He begins to jump roof to roof. You laugh and snuggle into his plastron.

. . . . . . .

"Okay here we are," Leo says. He lets you down and puts an arm around your waist gently. You look at the picnic set out in front of a pond. You see a number of little ducks swimming around, this part of the lake was hidden from view, so if someone walked past they wouldn't see the pair of you. He leads you over and offers you (f/drink) and (f/food).

"Leo, how?" You ask, leaning against him, when he settled against a tree trunk.

"A friend of ours put together the food. And a friend of Mikey's recommended this spot. Do you like it?" He asks, pulling you closer.

"Like it? No. I love it Leo, thank you so much," you say, kissing his cheek. He blushes slight. The two of you spend the rest of the night cuddling, talking and feeding the ducks. Luckily it was Friday so you didn't have to be home early. Eventually you began to doze off. So Leo being the gentleman (gentleturtle?) that he is took you home. He layed you on your bed and kisses your forehead gently and then heads back to the lair.

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