When you meet his family - Raphael

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You grumble as you follow your boyfriend.  Through the sewers. The sewers. Why did it have to be the sewers?  These boots were new-ish.

"Oh stop grumblin',  we're almost there." Raph says, you sigh and grab his hand. He looks at you and squeezes your hand slightly. You smile slightly.

"Here we are. Sewer sweet sewer," Raph says, walking into what appeared to be a living room. He throws himself down on the (sofa/couch etc) you follow. Raph pulls you closer and the two of you snuggle while watching some cartoon show on the television.  Suddenly a figure comes flying out of a room and throws itself in front if the tv.

"Hi Raph,  hi (Y/N), I'm Leo, " the figure says, waving over his shoulder.  You shrug and continue to watch.

"Hi!" A voice says and suddenly you and Raph are pounced on by another of Raph's brothers. 

"Hi I'm Mikey!" He says, hugging you. You giggle slightly.

"(Y/N)," you say, Raph tosses Mikey off of you and hugs you again. Several minutes later you heard a loud boom and smoke filled the room.

"You okay Donnie?" Leo calls. A few coughs later a voice rang out.

"Yeah. There goes the retro-mutagen," you sit up to see a purple clad turtle waving away some smoke and approaching slowly. He smiles at you, showing his gap.

"Hi (Y/N) right?" He says you nod, "I'm Donnie. "

"Hi Donnie, " you smile.  Raph growls and pulls you up.

After you got dragged around for a while Raph opens a door.

"Sensei? I brought (Y/N)," Raph says,  taking your hand and stepping into the room.

"Ah, Raphael my son. And (Y/N), it is nice to meet you. I am Master Splinter, the boys father.  I hope you  understand our need to remain hidden from the world?" You  gasp slightly, shocked from the sight before you, a large humanoid rat stood facing  you.  You the realised that you were dating a humanoid turtle, so really why should this scare/surprise you. You smile and nod. He smiles and then suddenly  Raph throws you over his shoulder.

"Come on,  I want to show you around," he laughs walking out.  You laugh and relax against him.


I am so sorry I thought I had posted Donnie's ages ago but it didn't work. So here's Raph's. Sorry it's so short but I didn't really know what to put. :/ again so sorry but Mikey's will be up real soon.  Animepercypottercrazedgirl

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