When you meet his family - Donatello

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"No Donnie put me down!" You cry, thumping on his shell. He chuckles and continues walking, with you thrown over his shoulder. You eventually give up and begin to look at the pipes and such in the sewers.

"Why am I doing this again?" You ask.

"Because I want you to meet my family," Donnie says.

"But I have haven't I?" You say, thinking back to when you first met Donnie.

"Well sort of, you haven't been formally introduced," Donnie says. You groan, you hated meeting new people.

"But what if they don't like me?" You say quietly.

"How could they not? You're perfect just the way you are." Donnie says, putting you down and hugging you. You sigh.

. . . . . . .

When you and Donnie eventually arrive at the lair you see a turtle in a blue bandana. Donnie carries you over to him and puts you down gently, grabbing your waist as you tried to escape. He pulls you onto his lap. The blue turtle hadn't even looked up from the tv. Donnie waits patiently until the adverts start. He clears his throat and the blue turtle turns towards you.

"Leo this is (Y/N) my girlfriend, (Y/N) this is my brother and our leader Leo." You smile at him.

"And this is Raph and Mikey," Donnie says, pointing to the red and orange turtles in turn. You smile at them.

"Oh my gosh! Hi! Do you like pizza?" Mikey squeals, glomping you.

"Ummm yeah I do enjoy pizza," you say, confused.

"Yay! Now we can be best friends!" He says, "would you like to meet my toes? This is-"

Donnie grabs your arm and pulls you to him, quietly slipping away from Mikey.

"Come on there is one more family member to meet," he says, leading you through a Japanese style door.

"Sensei, I have brought (Y/N)." Donnie says softly. As you enter the room you were thrown off by the beauty. A large tree was at one end of the room. There were weapons lining one wall and as Donnie led you towards the tree you saw his Sensei. A large humanoid rat turned to face you.

"Hello, my name is (Y/N), it's a pleasure to meet you," you say politely. A giant rat wasn't the weirdest thing you had seen today.

"Ah, very polite I see, (Y/N) it is a pleasure to meet you also, you may call me Sensei or master Splinter," he says smiling at you. You grin and Donnie hugs you gently.

"Come on, I want to show you my lab, and the garage," Donnie says, pulling you through. You laugh, and follow.


Hey guys, I haven't finished Raph's chapter yet. I am sorry but I was surprisingly popular on the bus today so I didn't get much typing done. It's almost done. And I have a couple of ideas for more chapters.

I am planning on doing:
When you're sick
Your period
Candy floss (basically random fluff)

How do they sound? If anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks ^_^ animepercypottercrazedgirl

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