First date - Raphael

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As it was nearing eleven you pulled on a long black trench coat, (am I giving you a choice?  No) and head up to the roof. As you climbed up you were suddenly grabbed. You let out a scream. A hand covers your mouth. This hand, you notice was green, and only had three fingers. You relax and the hand retracts.

"Jeez Raph, don't do things like that!" You laugh. He chuckles and sweeps you into his arms. He begins jumping. You let out a small cry of shock, it turns into laughter. Raph glances down at you and smirks. He does a flip.

. . . . . . .

Eventually you arrive. It was an abandoned building in a run down part of the city. The building looked dark and run down but stable. Raph carries you all the way in. He opens a door and inside is a tv, (f/movie snack) and a sofa with pillows and blankets. You smile.

"Wow Raph this is amazing!" You say, he leads you over and the two of you sit down. Raph turns on the tv. You two watch films late into the night. Eventually you fall asleep on his shoulder, with his arms around your waist. Not long after Raph puts his head on top of yours and he too falls asleep.


Again sorry this is short. This is actually my ideal date. ^-^ animepercypottercrazedgirl

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