Yo Ron it ain't yo biz

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Sorry if this chapter is bad, I'm sick right now, and I'm trying to write as much as I can.

Once Harry made it back to the dormitories, he bumped into someone, shortly after climbing in. He stumbled, and the cloak fell off of him, and onto the floor. He looked up to see...

"Ron! I-" Harry started, but only to be cut off.

"Where were you? When I went to come check up on you, and you weren't there. Is this about earlier?" Ron talked rather fastly, wanting to get to the point.

"I was going to the uhm..." Harry needed to think fast.

"I was going to see Luna! She wanted me to try a potion she created for class!" Harry did a nervous chuckle.

"Oh really now? And you needed your cloak for that?" Ron knew the boy was lying. He could just tell. He grew up with 6 siblings. It was easy to tell fibs from their truth.

"Yeah...?" Harry was definitely lying.

Ron snatched Harry's glasses, and held them away from him.

"What was that for!?" Harry shouted, franticlly searching around for them.

"Tell me where you ACTUALLY were, and you can have your glasses back." Harry glared at him, and sighed.

"Hospital wing." Harry mumbled.

"Why's that?" Ron asked, slightly lowering the hand with Harry's glasses

"I got hexed while in the bathroom, and didn't want you and Hermione to worry." He loooked down.

Ron knew he was still lying, but he didn't wanna give him a hard time. "Fine."

Ron tossed his glasses back to him, and slumped over to the boys dormitories.

'That was close..' Harry followed Ron shortly after getting his glasses fixed on him, and went to bed.

Draco's POV

As Harry set me down, and walked away from me, I screamed, crying my eyes out.

"P-pweese n-no gow (Please don't go)" I screamed, Harrry sighed, setting a quick kiss on my forehead. The screaming stopped, but every now and then between my sobs you'd hear a hiccup.

Harry left the room, and kept crying.

'Draco knows Harry doesn't love him.' I thought.

'But if Harry didn't save him (me) then Draco would die!'

sorry it ended like this, I ran out of ideas

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