"It's ok baby... shhh"

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Ok this is set when Harry leaves Draco, and Draco goes into the forest.

Harry's POV

I leave Draco in the RoR, and tell him to stay put. Once I got back, Draco was no where to be seen. I was panicing, and looked in his room, the bathroom, my room, and the kitchen. I had already looked in the living room. But still, no Draco.

I sat at the kitchen island, and called Luna. She came rushing into the RoR, holding snacks. She guided me to the couch, and put a blanket over me. It was Draco's blanket. I felt numb. I couldn't move my body.

"We'll find him, don't worry." Luna said comfortingly. I held the blanket closed to me. It was his baby's.

"I miss him so much..." I close my eyes, and Luna sighs sadly.

"I'll go look for him, no worries Harry. I'm sure he's safe." But just as Luna got to the door, Hermione walked in the door, holding a sobbing Draco on her hips.

I ran over to them, taking Draco from Hermione, and holding him close.

"Where were you?!" I said, slightly sobbing.

"I found him tied up in Ginny's room. She was hurting him." Hermione said sadly. I held onto him tighter.

"D-dada no beath-" (Daddy I can't breathe) I loosened my grip on him a bit, and told the girls they could leave. I said thank you, then they were gone.

"Baby, why were you with Ginny? Why'd she hurt you?" I was so confused and worried for my baby.

"I went in forest for lone tim, but Gin Gin took ee." (I went into the forest for alone time, but Ginny took me.) I nodded sadly, and went in my room.

"Den she said dat daddy was her's and I said nu, and she hurted me, then Mione came in and save me. Ronny came too wit seemus and deen." (Then she said that you are her's and I said no, and she hurt me. Hermione came in and saved me. Ronald cam too, with Seamus and dean.) I sighed, and hugged him close.

"I think we're going to have to lay down some new rules." I say, kissing his head.

"Wut?! Why?! See was duh one who took mee!" (What?! Why?! She was the one who took me!) I shake my head slowly, and set him in my lap.

"Baby, daddy's worried about you. If she was able to take you, I need to do something so she can't do it again. And it was scary, right? You don't want it to happen aagain, and neither do I." He looks down, and nods.

"Otay daddy." I smile, and pet his hair.

"Good boy." He smiles a bit at the praise.

"Whenever your in littlespace, I want you to be with me, okay?" He looked like he was about to say something, but closed his mouth, and hugged me.

"I wove you daddy."

"I love you too honey bee." I pick him up, and he happily clings onto me.

"I think someone needs a diaper change!" I say, walking over to his room, and setting him on the changing table.

I used a baby wipe to clean him off, and put a new diaper on him. Light pink with dinosaurs on it.

"Okay hun, it's 6:54, so in 36 minutes, its bedtime, got it?" He nods, and points to his cloloring book, then his crayons.

"Cowor!" (Color!) I chuckle, and give Draco his princess coloring book.

"Wan milkie and Squishy." (I want milk and Squishy.) Squishy is the name of his stuffed unicorn.

"Okay Dray." I walk into the kitchen, and fish a bottle with milk, warming it up in the microwave for a few seconds. I grabbed Squishy off of the couch, and walked back into the room.

We spent the rest of the night playing.

yay im done

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