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Draco's POV

I sat in Harry's lap in the room of requierment (spelling) and colored in my brand new Disney Princess coloring book Harry gave me. I babbled happily, and he chuckled, kissing my head a lot. I eventually finished. I was very proud of it, and wanted to show Harry.

"Wook! Wook! Drew picsure!" I said happily, showing him the picture:

"Wook! Wook! Drew picsure!" I said happily, showing him the picture:

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((A/N: it hurt to draw badly))

He smiled, "Beautiful baby! You did so well!" I giggled, and he kissed my cheek. I smiled proudly, and then I felt something warm. Warm and wet.

I starting crying, and Harry quickly started asking questions along the lines of: Are you okay? Are you alright?

I shook my head, and pointed to my lap. He looked down, and sighed.

"Baby, it's okay. I'll clean it, and you up." He picked me up, and a changing table appeared on the other side of the room. He wiped me down, and changed me in a pull-up much to my dislike. He put me on to floor, and to play with my trucks. I don't want truck! I want dolls! He cleaned up the bed, and walked over to me.

(next part is inspired, but idk by who. i forget these thing)

"C'mon baby, let's play a bit." He said, picking up one of my trucks.

"No!" I screamed angerly, giving Harry a taken back look.

"Baby what's wrong?" He asked, coming over to me, and touching my shoulder.

"No!" I repeated, slapping his hand, and throwing the truck in my hand across the room.

"Draco! Stop right now or you'll get a spanking!" He was angry, but I didn't care! I wanted to play with Barbies!

"NO FUCK YOU!" I screamed, punching his chest, and running away.

"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY." He screamed, making me scared. I crawl into a corner. "COME HERE RIGHT NOW OR YOUR PUNISHMENT IS GOING TO BE MUCH WORSE." I quickly crawled over to the corner, and to Harry's feet. I looked up at him innocently, trying to make him think I don't deserve a punishment.

"Why did you do that?" He asked sternly.

"Wanted Barbies, not trucks." I whimpered, and his eyebrows lowered.

"That is no reason to scream at me." He walked over to the bathroom, and told me to come with. He had me sit in the tub, and open my mouth. I did, and he put soap in my mouth. "I don't like doing this, but you don't cuss at me. 5 minutes with the soap, then spanks. If your good about it, only 20 spanks." I whimpered, and nodded. The soap was yucky.

I sat there for what felt like forever, when he finally got the soap out of my mouth. He let me rinse out my mouth twice, but I could still taste it.

"Over my lap." He says, sitting on the bed. "I'll be nice and let you have your clothes on." He was in full daddy mode... I could feel it.

"Count to 20." I nodded, and he started spanking me. I counted to 15, then he stopped. I sighed in relief, but started spanking harder. I started crying, and he just spanked me harder.

"Okay bud, this last ones gonna be just a bit harder, got it?" I nodded weakly, and he spanked me really hard. I screamed, and he picked me up, carrying me to the corner. "Timeout for 10 minutes." I sat on the stool, and waited for the 10 minutes.

I realized how bad I had been... I told him to fuck off, and yelled at him. My tushie was still burning, and I'm sure it bruised, but I wasn't thinking about that. I was really mean to Harry, and I need to apologise to him. Once Harry came to get me, I started apologising to him a bunch.

"I'm sorry Hawwy! I was bad boy! Was mean to you! I'm sowwy! I hurt your feelings! Pwease forgive me!" I cried into his shoulder, and he patted my back to calm me down.

"Baby, it's okay! Your not a bad boy, you were just being stubborn, and everyone gets that way! You didn't hurt my feelings, so it's okay honey bear!" He swayed back and forth, with me in his arms. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"A wat?" I tilted my head, and he awed.

"It's a moving set of pictures on a screen like my phone! It can also be people acting like other people so they can make it seem like it's real." My eyes lit up, and he took that as a yes. He put on a movie with a black haired boy, and a weird red goldfish with hair. Sosuke (the little boy) named the fish Ponyo!

Half way through watching the movie thingy, I got tired, and fell asleep with being held by my favorite person.

I hope this was good! It's shorter than what I usually do, but it's still okay.

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