a pHonE?! wHatS tHaT?!

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Dray boo's POV

I woke up, and felt arms wrapped around my body. Someone was holding me. I opened my eyes, and slowly tried to make out who was holding me.

"Hey, are you awake honey bear?" A familiar voice asks me, brushing the hair out of my face. HARRY!

I cry into Harry's shoulders.

"What's wrong Draco?" Harry said quickly, pulling me farther up his waist, so we were eye to eye.

"You-You- *HIC* don't love me." I whimper. "You- *HIC* left me!" I cry out, biting my finger nails.

"Oh baby..." He pulled my hand away from my mouth, and rubbed my palm with his thumb. "I'd never leave you! I'm sorry honey bear..." He sounded mad. Mad at himself.

"P-pwomise?" I choke out, making a silent tear creep out of Harry's eye and fall down his cheek.

"Pinky promise." He says to me, taking his pinky in mine.

It's weird. Just a year ago, we were fighting over quidditch... but now we're making promises to never leave eachother?!?!

"Where are we?" I ask Harry, looking around in the darkness.

"Forbidden forest." He smiles, and kisses my forearm where the dark mark is.

"I'm sorry that happened to you honey bear." He says, sitting down and pulling me into his lap.

"It's okay, da-Harry" I quickly correct myself from saying 'daddy' and snuggle up to him.

I quickly fall asleep in his arms, and the last thing I hear is... "Sleep well little one..."

+-Next day-+

I wake up, and quickly panic, looking around the room for Harry. (I may or may not have seperation issues) I find him on a green armchair with red stripes, reading a book. I whimper, and he looks up, chuckling.

"Looks like someones awake. Want some food?" He asks, handing me a bag of cut up carrots. I usually wouldn't eat this low quality of food, but it looked like Harry cut it himself, and I didn't want to make him sad, so I ate the carrots. They were actually kind of good! I muched on them happily, and Harry got in bed next to me. He pulled out a rectangle with a green cover on it.

"Wut dat?" I asked, pointing at it.

"This is a phone!" He chuckled, and turned it so I could see. It had little squares on it. I pressed one, and it showed a bunch of clouds, suns, and rain clouds.

"That's the weather app. It shows what the weather's gonna be like."


I scrolled through his phone for a bit longer, before falling asleep on his chest.

so this is a bit short, and im sorry ):( ill try to make a longer chapter later
love you all!

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