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Hey guys! I know I havem't posted in a while because of vacation, but since we took 5 hours to get back to our hotel, when it should've only taken 10 minutes, I thought of a story! Enjoy!

Also if your wondering why they're never in class, it's because I can't stick to a school schedule in books- I also don't really like writing them, so let's just pretend they're in class...

3rd person

"DRACO! COME BACK HERE!" Harry ran after a bigspace Draco with robes in his hands.

"NO! I'M NOT FUCKING WEARING THOSE!" He bumps into the couch, and falls backward, hitting his head. The pain sends him into littlespace, and he starts wailing.

"Sh, sh, come here." Harry kneels next to him, and picks him up. "Daddy's got you, shhhh." He rubs his back, and his crying softens.

Harry gives him some pain medicine, and rocks him back and forth until he's asleep.

He carries Draco to his room, and puts him in some pawpatrol underware, paggy pants, some black shoes and his robes.

"Baby wake up, class time." Draco's eyes fluttered open, huffing when he noticed there was comfy padding on his butt, and he was in robes.

"Morning daddy..." Draco says while yawning.

"Morning hun, want breakfast?" He shakes his head, and Harry nods.

"Come on, let's get to class. And pay attention today!" He gives Draco a stern look before kissing his head. Draco huffs again.

Last time, Harry had a different class then him, and Draco decided to draw instead of listen to class, and so he got detention from the teachers and spanks from his daddy.

"Yes daddy..." He yawns again, and they walk to class.

Draco stops in his tracks upon realizing something.

That idiot! My hair must be a mess! He growls, and Harry looks back at him.

"You good Dra-Malfoy?" Draco whimpers at this. He hates not getting called 'baby' or any cute pet names by him, and hates not getting to call him daddy.

"Y-yes... But my hair." He mumbles.

"Oh c'mon, you look fine, now let's go." They sit next to eachother in the back of the class with Ron, Blaize, Hermione, and Pansy infront and next to them.

"Now, turn to page 138..." Professor Bins starts his boring lecture, and as always everyone doesn't pay attention, and starts talking.

Harry however won't let this excuse Draco.

Draco turns to talk to Ron, but Harry slaps his hand.

"Nuh uh, pay attention." Draco mentally rolls his eyes and looks over at Ron sadly. Ron was talking to his daddy happily.

He leans his head in his hand, and starts taking notes. Though only a few minutes into it, he gets frustrated because since he's in little space, he doesn't understand it.

"What's wrong?" Harry whispers to him, and Draco starts crying silently in frustration.

"Don't get it!" He whispers angerly while putting his face in his palms of his hands.

Harry helps him understand, and Draco thanks him.

About 45 minutes later, Draco looks at the clock, and starts squirmming.

He groans uncomfortabley, though Harry doesn't notice, due to the noise.

He whines, and pokes his daddy's shoulder.

"Huh? What is it baby?" He looks over at him, and raised his eyebrows.

"Do you have to potty?" Draco nods, and Harry sighs.

"There's only 10 more minutes, can you wait that long?" Draco shakes his head, and he starts silently crying again. "Baby, you should try the best you can to keep it in. I'll get you to the bathroom after class, k?" Draco nods, sniffling.

3 minutes later, Draco starts to feel some liquid in his crotch area.

He starts quietly tearing up, and covers it up with his hands.

Harry looks over at him to make sure he's taking notes, but notices how distressed Draco looks. He leans over, and rubs his back.

"What's wrong bub?" He whispers in his ear.

Draco points to his crotch, and uncovers it, revealing, well, yeah.

"Oh dear..." He looks around the classroom. "Do you have anymore?" Draco nods sadly.

"Ok, we can go to the bathroom, and you can get it out there, k?" He nods again, and Harry opens an aperition spot from the classroom to the bathroom (the upside of being Dumbledore's favorite student) and aperate.

"Here bub, sit on the potty and finish." Harry sets him on a toilet in one of the stalls, and eventually he comes out.

Harry has him wash his hands, then changes him into different robes and a thin pull-up just incase.

They aperate back just in time for dismisle.

"Sorry daddy..." Draco whispers as they walk back to their room. (the room is another upside of being Dumbledore's favorite)

"It's okay sweetheart, it was an accident." They walk into the portrait hole, and grab different materials for the next class, herboligy. (agh spelling, please help)

"I'm tireddddd!!!!" Draco whines before yawning. Harry awes at his cute yawn, then picks him up.

"Well too bad, it's learning time!" Draco groans, and lets his head fall behind him.

Sorry it's so short! I'm working on chapters for a new story I'm writing, so I'm also busy with that heh. Love y'all! Have a good day/night/miday!


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