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So in a previous chapter, Luna was a little, and Ginny was a dom, but I would like to change it to dom Luna and Sub Ginny. Hope you guys enjoy!

Ginny's POV

Cho leaves the forest, and I snap out of the imperius curse. I fall over, and hit my head on the ground.

"Ow..." I whisper, sitting up, and rubbing the back of my head.

"Shut up, and go away." Lavender says, shooing me away.

Lavender has been putting me under the imperius curse almost every day, so I can do the dirty work for her while she gets Harry. To be honest, I never liked Harry like that. Mostly it was to impress my family. We both decided that it wasn't worth staying togther, and we broke up. I feel bad for when I took, and hurt Draco. But then again, it wasn't really me.

I walk up to the castle, and to the library.

"Hey mommy." I say, walking up to Luna, who's quietly reading a book far into the library, on a window seat.

"Hello little lion." She says softly, putting her book aside and opening her arms wide so I can come closer to her. I climb into her lap gracefully, and cuddle up to her.

"How was your day little one?" She asks, petting my long hair. She doesn't know about me being under the imperius curse, or any of that.

"Good, I hungz out with Nebiw." (Neville)I lied, biting my toung, and hoping she would believe me.

"Okay then, what did you guys do?" She asked. Was she onto me?"

"He took me down to da wiver and sowed me da wake! There was pwetty fowers." I say happliy, hoping to ever living GOD she'd believe me.

"Alright... So then why did I hear Cho talking to Harry and Draco about you, Lavender, and herself meeting up, and disscusing plans only bad girls would do." I freeze, and then look up at her, bursting into sobs.

"I sowwy! Me didn't do it! was under impewios curze!" I cry, getting tears on mommy's baby blue silk dress.

"Oh, honey I'm so sorry!" She rubbed my back, and kissed my forehead.

"Hey guys." Harry walks over with Draco folowing, and sits on a chair, facing us. "Sit down bub." Draco plops down into Harry's lap, and covers his eyes.

"Hey Dwaco." I say, climbing out of mommy's lap and walking over to him. "Me wasn't one huwt oo. A meanie contolled e and do it. Gin Gin nice! Gin Gin not mean!" He peaks out of his hands, and slowly oozes off of Harry's lap, and then hugged me. He's a tiny bit shorter than me, and very soft.

"Mommy, Dwaco is like a kitty!" I giggle, and pet his soft hair. He huffs, and pulls his head away looking at his daddy.

"No cute. Handsome." He's so cute! I want him to be my little brother!

"Yes, a cute and handsome kitty." He doesn't react this time, and hums when I start rubbing his entire back.

Harry's POV

While the littles are hugging, I go over to Luna and sit next to her.

"They're so cute." She says. For once, I agree.

"So adorable." I say, checking my watch. "Oh well, it's time to go." I say sadly. It's going to be his bed time in about 10 minutes.

"Oh alright." Luna says, hugging me shortly. "Luna dear it's time for them to go." They both say goodbye, and Ginny walks back over to Luna.

"C'mon bub, it's your bed time." He blushes bright red.

"But daddyyyy." He whines, and stomps on the floor, now crying.

"No buts. Bye guys." I talk sternly, and wave to Luna and Ginny.

"Draco, we do not throw tantrums." I tell him as we leave the library. I know he's not good at walking in littlespace, but I decide to not carry him. I drag him by his left arm, and he stumbles constantly.

"D-daddy am sowwy!" He cries, trying to catch up to me.

Draco's POV

I struggle, trying to walk because daddy forgot to carry me. My legs are very numb, because I'm always being carried.

"Draco, I know your sorry but-" He turns around, and I collapse on the floor.

"Daddy..." I say softly, slipping even deeper into littlespace.

"Baby, are you okay?!" Daddy comes over to me, and I happily crawl into his arms as he cuddles me close.

"Dada otay?" I ask him, hugging him, and sucking on his hair.

"Yes honey bee, dada is ok." He kisses me all over, and picks me up, carrying me to our room. He sets me down in my crib, and kisses my head.

"Good night baby." I soon fall asleep.

Harry's POV

I sigh, and turn off the lights in his room, walking out.

I sit on my bed, and put my face in my hands.

'I'm a terrible dom...' I think to myself, and I lay down in bed, sighing before I fall asleep.

This is a confusing af chapter

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