Library part2 (Kitchen!)

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I just didn't feel up to it. I'm going on vacation for two weeks in Orlando Florida! So I will only get to post once within those weeks, so I'm sorry. Enjoy the chapter!

Harry's POV

I wake up, and blink a few times, before sitting up, and yawning. I look around my room, and toss my head back, out of fatigue. I place my rounded glasses on my face, and take a deep breathe before starting my day.

I head to the kitchen, and turn on the stove. I start making the batter for the pancakes, and remember Draco. He loves chocolate chip pancakes. I decide to make so of them chocolate chip for him.

I finish making them, and put it at the small two person table we have, and give him a baby fork and a sippy cup with warm milk. He already has chocolate chip pancakes, he doesn't need anything more sugar-y.

I walk into Draco's room, and see him sleeping with his thumb in his mouth. I smile, and lean in the door frame.

He yawns, and blinks. He takes a second, before rubbing his eyes with his fists. He sticks his thumb back in his mouth, and then notices me.

"Da!" He says happily, using his free hand to grab out for me, opening and closing his fists.

"Morning baby, are you tired?" He nods, and yawns again.

"Smell good." He says, and I walk over to him, picking him up.

"Yes, I made pancakes just for you!" He grins, and claps his hands as I walk over to the small kitchen. I set him in his high chair, and work on getting our homework done. If he wasn't in headspace, or atleast not as deep, I would have him do it, but he clearly is.

"Tanks!" He giggles, and claps his hands again.

"You sure are happy, aren't you litte one?" I ask him, chuckling, as I watch him try and hold the fork. He nods, then grunts in frustration at the fork situation. "Let me help you princess." I walk over to him, and cut his pancakes into little peices, bringing them to his mouth. He opens his mouth, and happily hums at the taste. I feed him the rest, and he smiles, at me.

He sighs in only what I can tell to be content, and then points to the bottle. I nod, and tip the bottle of milk into his mouth, and he happily drinks from it. I stop pouring it into his mouth, and he starts whining.

"Now, now, stop that." He grunts, and crosses his arms.

I set the bottle down, and pick him and the bottle bsck up, carrying him to his nursery, sitting on the armchair. I set him in my lap, and feed him the bottle, and while I'm doing so, he snuggles into me, with his eyes closed.

He soon finishes the bottle, and I burp him.

"Okay princess, woudl like like to play with your toys, or watch a princess movie?" He usually picks toys, but this time he chose the movies.

I carry him back to my room.

I bring out my laptop, and select the Disney+ bookmark.

"Booty Beast!" I chuckle a bit. He really didn't do Beauty and the Beast justice. I select it, and he cuddles up to me while we watch.

"Daddy, can I have Squishy?" He whispers and I nod, grabbing her from on the floor. "Thanks daddy." I kiss his forhead, and we finish the movie.

Heyyyyy! So this was kind of short- but my writing is improving! (and if your wondering why my grammar sucks, is because I was absent on adjetive day, noun day, adverb day, and that shit) Hope you guys enjoyed! Love y'all! <3

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