Meanie meeting

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Ginny's POV

I'm currently waiting in the forbidden forest waiting for Cho and Lavender. We're going to be dicussing Draco.

Eventually they arrive, and sit down on the grass, both making faces of disgust.

"I know it's not the best spot, but no one can hear us talking." I say, looking at them sternly.

"Fine." they say in unisin.

"So, we all are inlove with Harry." They nod. "And that means that Malfoy has to be gone." This time only Lavender nods. Cho looks up, and furrows her eyebrows.

"What do you mean... gone?" She asks, poking her head out.

"Dead. Duh." Lavender giggles.

"Perciecly." I say.

"But- just yesterady I babysat Draco, and he was wonderful. So kind, and sweet." Cho says, making hand gestures to the castle.

"So?" We both say.

"So, Harry would be devistated if he was gone. They have a strong bond." I roll my eyes.

"And?" We both say again.

"Then Harry will uhm- will never uh- never love you!" She is struggling, I can tell.

Cho's POV

Maybe I should stay and listen to their plans instead of protesting and leaving. Then that way I can help them. I didn't mean to kiss Harry, it just happened. I feel really bad, because Draco was heartbroken I'm guessing.


After an hour of listening to their evil plans, and writing them down, we seperate in the castle. I start going to Ravenclaw, but once their gone, I dash the Harry's and Draco room.

"GUYS!" I yell, entering the room. They weren't there.

I dash to ma'adm Pomfrey, and sure enough, they were there. Harry had Draco in his lap, and ma'adm Pomfrey was probably in her office. Draco spots me, and starts crying.

"Hey, it's okay Draco! I'm nice!" I say, walking over to him. He shrinks away, and into Harry. "I didn't mean to kiss your daddy." I say sadly, rubbing his arm. He relaxes into it, and nods.

"Ok so, Lavender, Ginny, and I had a meeting in the forest, and I wrote done everything they said. Read this outloud for Draco." I say, giving Harry the notebook.

He reads it out loud, and growls. Draco whimpers, and starts crying.

"No wan go! No wan go! Wan stay dada!" (I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I want to stay with daddy!) Draco sobs, and we both start comforting him. He's clearly deep in his... littlespace? Is that what it's called? I think so.

"Don't worry bub, you won't die." I say, rubbing his arm, while Harry bounces him a bit to sooth him, while kissing his forehead.

"I'll keep you safe princess, okay?" Harry says, as Draco's tears die down.

"O-oay." (o-okay) He sniffles, and cuddles into Harry's chest.

"Good boy." Harry coos, and kisses his head.

"You can keep the notebook. I shall be going now." I whisper to Harry, and leave the hospital wing.

Sorry this chapter was so short!

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