Testing limits, and friends

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Okay so they are no longer at the lake house, because nothing interesting happened. They are now back at the castle. Also, don't judge me for this chapter... There was an unfinished book with something in it, which I thought was weird, but a good idea. So uhm- yeah- (this is also inspired by a tiktok by kallmekris)

Draco's POV

I sit on the couch, looking at daddy, who's cleaning the house. I'm feeling testy, so I pull off my diaper, and squat on his favorite chair while he's not looking.

Harry's POV

I've been sneezing a lot more than unusal from my seasonal allergies, so I place Draco down on the couch, and start cleaning. About ten minutes later, he comes up to me, and doesn't have his clothes on. He looks nervous.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask im, rubbing his shoulder.

"Did oo know dat oo can pee anywer?" (did you know tat you can pee anywhere?) My face fell.

"Where." I ask him. He whimpers, and looks up at me. I'm a lot taller then him, so no wonder he's scared.

"Chare..." (chair...) My eyes widen, and my eyebrows furrow.

"Which... Chair..." I ask him, trying to remain calm.

"Du old wed and orng un..." (the old red and orange one) I stand up straight(gay) and walk furiously to my favorite chair, and sure enough there's a dark spot.

"Draco." I say looking over at him, shaking.

"Y-yes daddy?" He says, looking down.

"Look at me." He quickly turns his head to look at me, now crying. "Why did you pee on my favorite chair, hm?" I ask, gesturing to the wet spot.

"Cause.. Cause... I don' o! Am very sowwy daddy! Dwaco is bad boy!" Draco sobs, pulling himself in a tight ball on the floor.

"Your not bad, but what you did was bad. Now, honey bee, if you help me clean this up, your punishment will be smaller." He looks up and me, nodding.

Once we get it cleaned up, I pick Draco up, carrying him over to his room.

"Okay honey, your punishment is that you can only wear thick diapers, and nothing ontop of it. Only crop tops can be worn." He blinks. He musy think it's a weird punishment, just sitting in a comfy diaper all day. Infact his favorite diapers! Pastel pink, with little dinosaurs on them. But the thing is that Faith,(Faith is the waitress from the coffee shop, and also Hermione's sister) Hermione, and Pansy were coming over. But he didn't know this.

"Alright, let's get you in a new diaper!" I say, carrying him over to the changing table, and putting him in one. I also put him in a crop top that says 'baby boy'

A knock on the door can be heard, and I pick up Draco, walking to the door. Draco's eyes widen, and he hides his face with his hands, burying his head in my shoulder.

"Hey girls! Come in, come in!" Draco looks up at me, and a tear flows down his cheek. But I don't feel bad. That was my mother's favorite chair.

We all walk to the living room, and sit down. I sit Draco in my lap, his head burried in my neck.

"What's wrong with Draco?" Hermione asks, pulling a book out.

"He was a bad boy today, and he got punished, so he's embarassed." I say, stroking his hair. The girls 'oh' and smile.

"Well he's very cute!" Faith chimes in, grinning.

"Indeed." Pansy says, nodding.

"Daddy I-" Draco starts speaking, but I hush him.

"Your too little for talking, hun." The girls look around awkwardly, and Draco whines.

"Hey uhm Dray, we got a present for you!" Hermione says, breaking the awkward tension.

"Huh?" Draco says, looking behind himself, and at Hermione.

"Is it okay to give him it Harry?" Hermione asks me, holding up a book to where Draco can't see.

"Yes." I say, kissing Draco's head, and carrying him over to 'Mione.

"Draco, this is a story called 'The Box-Car Children'. It's about four kids who are finding somewhere to live, and they find a box-car!" Hermione says, showing him the cover of the book.

Draco looks up at me, and then Hermione.

"Wu Bo-ar?" (Whats a box-car?) He asks.

"It's a small section of a train!" Faith says, pointing to the cover.

"Oh..." Draco says, taking the book from her, and tracing the outlines of everyone.

"I'm sure your daddy would read it to you!" Pansy says, smiling. Draco looks up at me, and I nod, causing him to beam.

"What do we say?" I ask him, rubbing his side.

"Tane oo!" (thank you) He says, hugging the book. He starts to run back to his room to put it away, but I stop him.

"You too young to run, you'll trip and fall over." I say, pick him up, and setting him on the couch. I kiss his forehead, and walk to put his new book away.

Hermione's POV

I'm so glad he liked the gift! Pansy swore he wouldn't like it, but I was right!

"Hey babes, what's the pattern on your diaper?" Faith says, comforting a panicking Draco. Harry hasn't come back for ten minutes.

"I-Is Dino-ors..." (It's dinosaurs) Pansy smiles, and nods.

"Good job! Those are dinosaurs!" I say, rubbing his arm. He smiles a bit at the praise, but goes back to crying. Faith picks him up in her arms, and kisses his head, calming him down. She starting humming WAP, and eventually he falls asleep.

"I'm going to check up on Harry..." I say, walking to Draco's room. I walk in, and look down.


Cliffhanger~ :D hope you guys enjoyed!!

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