A day with Blairon

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Okay so Ron in this universe isn't like canon Ron. This Ron is very submissive and soft. He also is VERY, and I mean VERY cute. But as you know from chapters before this, he's also a bitch. Also Blaize's orignal dad in this is French, sooooo. Yeahhhhh. Okay enjoy!

Ron's POV

I whine, pulling on daddy's sleeve.

"Do we haf to goooo?" I ask, dragging out my setence.

"Yes princess, you have to come." Daddy kisses my cheek, and pulls away from my grasp, buttoning his second-to-last button on his shirt.

I let out a small cry, and run back over to him as he goes to the door of his dorm.

"Princess, I'm not leaving you. I'm getting your diaper bag." He says calmly.

"Otay..." I say sadly. We're going to his mom's house for hogsmede weekend, and I'm not excited. What if his mom doesn't like me?!

"Baby, calm down." He kneeled down infront of me, and envoloped me in a hug. My crying stopped, but there was the ocasional sniffle. "All better?" He asks me.

"Yes daddy. Thank you." He smiles, and gets up from the ground.

"Good manners princess!" I smile a bit, and he uses his thumb to wipe my tears.

"Want gold fis." I say, pointing to the dresser, where a single packet of goldfish lay.

"Not now bud, you cant have them when we're there." He says, getting the goldfish, and putting it in the diaper bag.

"Can have bottle?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Yes, of course." He gets a bottle, filling it with milk. He uses a spell to heat it up, and picks me up. He tips the bottle into my mouth, and I suck on it lightly. Eventually I take it from him, and close my eyes, letting the warm liquid flow through my body. Once it stops coming out, I whine, and daddy knows I'm done.

"What do we say?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Thankies daddy." I smile, and he kisses my tummy, making me giggle.

"Alright baby, let's go!" He says, while I'm still trying to calm down.

He gets in the fireplace, and we're suddenly in a large room, with a huge crystal chandelier. There were two large sofas, and a huge carpet. A beautiful woman was sitting on one of the sofas, quietly reading a book.

She doesn't notice us, and daddy sets me down. I push myself out of littlespace (with much difficulty), not wanting to make the wrong first impression.

"Babe, is that your mom?" I whisper to him. He smiles, and nods. "She's so beautiful." I whisper.

"Why thank you dear." I jump, not realizing she could hear me. "Is this your boyfriend you've been writing to me about??" She asks, putting down her book, and looking at the two of us.

"Yes ma, this is Ron." He pushes us towards the sofa opposite of her, and he sits me down next to him.

I let out a small and quiet whine, wanting to be on his lap.

"Tea?" A young house elf appears at my side, and I'm shocked, so I panic, and answer 'yes please'.

A second later the house elf comes back with a cup of tea, and I drink all of it.

"Thank you." The house elf smile, and apperates away.

"Such good manners young boy. I approve of him." Blaize smiles, nodding once.

"Yes ma, he is very kind." I blush a bit, and smile.

"Doesn't talk much though, eh?" I look down into my lap, embarassed. I'm very shy around new people. "Oh I'm sorry dear, did I upset you? I am deeply sorry."

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