Flying part 2

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Hey guys! So turns out my friend's boyfriend didn't perish and we were able to save him(as in we i mean the doctors. im not in medical school yet). So I'm back! Enjoy!!

Draco's POV

"Baby, calm down!" Daddy chuckles, and holds me close to him. I'm so excited to fly!

"But daddy!! I don't want to wait!" I giggle, and he carries me down to the quidditch field. No one was at Hogwarts currently, because it was Hogsmede weekend.

"I know you are baby, but you have to be patient or you will too hyper to fly!" I pout, but calm my body down.

"Okay daddy." I hug his body, listening to his heartbeat as he carries me, making me sleepy.

"Wake up princess. We're here." Strong arms shake me awake, and I look up at the person who's holding me. Daddy!

"Fly?" I ask him, looking around the changing room.

"Yes baby, fly! But first we need to get you a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads so you don't get more owies." I nod, and he sits me on a bench. My bottom still hurts, so I squeak. Eventually I adjust to it, and sit still.

He puts them on me, and I found that it was hard to move.

"Why don't you have any daddy?" I ask him, tilting my head.

"Because I've played much longer than you. Your also much smaller than me, so you'll get more hurt if you fall off. But if you do, daddy will help, okay?" I nod, and he grabs his firebolt, and a smaller, comet 360 for me.

"Ok baby, first I'm going to have you sit infront of me while I fly so you can't fall off. Okay?" Daddy walks onto the field, and sets down the comet 360.

"Okay daddy." He sits my infront of him on the broom, and takes off.

"EEEE! FASUR! FASUR! WEEE!" (faster, faster) I start giggling madly, and daddy goes up really high, and then back down

Harry's POV

Aghhh he's so cute! We're not even 10 feet off the ground but he seems to be having fun.

I land on the ground, and he huffs.

"Okay baby, now you try." I hand him the comet 360, and I show him to mount it, and control it.

"Otay!" He lifts off, and giggles, flying into the air.

"Okay baby, that's too high, please come lower." I yell up at him.

"Nevaaaa!!!" He giggles, and goes even higher. He's probably 100 feet in the air by now!

I start panicking.

"Shit..." I say under my breath.

I hop on my broom, flying into the air. I go over to him, and hold onto his broom, stopping it.

"Daddy, I was having fun." He looks at my angerly.

"Don't give me an additude. Now, if you don't want a punishment, you'll get your ass back down to the ground." He gasps. I'm very frustrated right now.

"Am sorry dada..." He tells me as soon as we land.

"Save it." I say. A tear escapes his eyes and he looks down. "You scared me half to death Draco! Don't do that!" At this point we're both breathing heavily.

"I love you..." He says, more tears rolling down his cheeks. I ignore him, and carry him back to our room.

Once we're back in our room, I set him in the bathroom, and lock the door. I hear sobbing, but I ignore it, and sit on the couch.

After 30 minutes, I decide to go and let Draco out.

I see him sitting on the floor infront of the sink, in a small pile of blood. There were slits on his wrists, and scissors by his feet.

"Draco-" He looks up at me, then away. He stands up, and walks past me.

I stand there, stuned. Eventually I build up enough currage to go and find him. I'm very worried about him. I don't know what I was thinking, looking him in the bathroom. Did I excpect him to just sit there, and wait?

"Draco! Draco where are you?!" I run around, looking for him, but don't see him anywhere. I look in my room, his room, the small kitchen we have, sitting area, and closet, btu he's not anywhere to be seen.

I squeeze my eyes closed, and when I open them, I see the door open.

I place a hand over my mouth, and run out of our room. I run to the forbidden forest, but he's not there. Hospital wing? No. Slytherin dorm room? Still no. Eventually, I walk down one of the hallways, and hear sobbing.

"Shhh, it'll be okay. Your safe..." I hear Luna, and admettiatly follow the source. "Don't worry dragon, he still love you."

I walk over to them quietly, and Luna looks up.

'Come apoligise.' Luna mouthes.

I walk over to the small boy. He's curled up in a ball, with his head tucked in his legs.

"Hey bub." I whisper, and kneel infront of him, and he looks up. He shrinks back, and closer to Luna.

"Dragon, he's here to apoligise." Luna says rubbing his back.

"H-Harry." He croaks out.

"Yes baby, it's Harry." I say softly. I'm hurt that he didn't call me Harry, but whatever makes him comfortable.

"Harry hurt. Harry angry. Harry no love." He says blankly.

"Oh baby, Harry does love you. I'm not angry at you anymore, and I never meant to hurt you. Please come to Harry bub." A silent tear runs down my face.

"Daddy..." I nod, and he slowly shifts his body to face me. "Miss daddy." I nod.

Draco's POV

I considered calling him 'daddy', but decided against it.

"H-Harry." I stammer.

"Yes baby, it's Harry." I blink, and shut my eyes.

"Harry hurt. Harry angry. Harry no love." I say, not able to spit out sentences.

"Oh baby, Harry does love you. I'm not angry at you anymore, and I never meant to hurt you. Please come to Harry bub." I can sense he's sad.

"Daddy..." He nods, and I slowly shift my body to face him. "Miss daddy." He nods, and I crawl into his lap.

"Love..." I say, cuddling into him.

"I love you too, now can I clean your cuts?" I nod slowly.

"Thank you, Luna for helping him." Daddy smiles.

"No problem!" She says in her sweet, dreamy voice. I love Luna so much. She's the best cousin ever.

We get back to the dorms, and daddy sits me down on onto the counter.

"Now, I'm going to put a bandaid on your owies. Please stay still baby." I nod shakily, and he dabs at the cuts, removing the blood, before putting some white fabric over my cuts.

"There we go. Now, I think it's nap time." I nod.

"I love you..." I try again, hoping he'll respond.

"I love you too baby." I smile widely as he lays down next to me on the bed, big-spooning me.


"Ni ni."

Idk, but this was a bit of a stretch. Do you guys like this chapter?

word count: 1190

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