Flying part 1

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For the majority of the chapter, Draco's not in little space, because I have fun with making Draco that comfortable with Harry! I also like confusing you guys. So unless it says something about Draco being in littlespace, he's big.

Harry's POV

I stroke Draco's hair, as he sleeps. Damn, he's so cute. I press a light kiss on his forehead, and he opens his mouth slightly.

"Baby c'mon, it's time to wake up." I pick him up, setting him on my lap. "Honey bee, it's not night night time." I say in a babyish voice.

"Yes ni ni time..." He says quietly, shifting in my grasp. "OWIE!" he jumps back, and off my lap onto the other side of the bed.

"Baby are you okay?!?" I ask, rushing over to him.

"Yes daddy..." He says, and starts crying a bit. "My bum has owie." He says, looking up at me, with wide, innocent eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry honey." I say, hugging him.

"I don't like punishments..." He says.

"I know baby, I know. I hate giving you them, but sometimes your a nughty baby, and naughty babies need to be taught to be nicer." I say softly. I put him back in my lap, and play with him hair.

"Daddy, can you change me?" He asks, yawning.

"Of course princess." He smiles a bit, and my heart melts. Yes, I've seen him smile before, but that doesn't change how I feel about it!

I walk to the changing table, with him in my arms. He was having a hard time walking, so I'll just carry him around for a bit. I lay him down and kiss his forehead, before untaping the diaper, and wiping him down.

"You had a big accident, hm?" I say, grabbing the new diaper, and baby powder.

"Yeah." Draco says, obviously embarassed.

I powder his butt, and tape the new diaper on him.

"All done!" I shower him in kisses, and he giglges uncontrolably. (spelling lmao)

"I'm glad your back in diapers." I say. Where the fuck did that come from- it's like my body is speaking for me. "I don't like you wearing big boy things. Your my little baby!" Wait no! I don't want him to think he has to be a baby 24/7!!

"Plus, your very cute in these!" He makes an uncomfortable smle.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry! Are you uncomfortable with me saying that?" Finally, my brain can think again!

"Yeah, a little bit..." He says, looking away.

"I'm so sorry baby! I don't know what came over me! I didn't mean to say those things! Well except for the cute part, you are pretty cute!" The corners of his mouth twitch, and a small (happy) smile appears.

"Okay..." He hugs me, and pecks my lips. "Love you."

"Love you too hun." I smile, when I suddenly remember something.

"Hey baby, wanna go fly?" His eyes lit up, and a wide smile appears. He hasn't been flying in like... a year!

"Yes!" He squealed happily, and clapped his hands.

"Ok baby, let's get you dressed!" I carry him over to the closet, and pull out a few outfits he might like.

"Can I wear a dress daddy?" He asks me, giving me 'the puppy dog eyes'.

"I'm sorry princess, but no. The wind will lift it up, and your prince parts will show." He blushes and makes a frustrated grunt.

"Fine..." He says in a grumpy tone.

"Now, don't get an additude with me, or we won't go flying." He throws his head back, and whines.

"Okay daddy..." He says sadly.

"Okay, overalls or shirt and pants?" I held the hangers up, and showed them to him.

"Overalls!" He says, a bit more happy.

"Okay bud, do you wanna do it, or me?" I ask him

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"Okay bud, do you wanna do it, or me?" I ask him.

"Uhmm daddy!" He says happily.

"Okay baby, I'm going to need you to try and stand up, okay?" He whimpers, and nods.

"My bum hurts." He says, looking down at his feet. "And standing up is hard..." It's true that I do carry him everywhere... but he enjoys it, so...

"I'm sorry princess! The pain should be away in a few days." He nods, and watches as I pull off his clothes.

I pull on his shirt, and then the brown overalls.

"Your so cute baby bear!" I pick him up, and he seems relived.

"Thanks daddy!" He giggles, and wraps his wholes body around my own.

"No problem princess! Now, let's go fly!"

Sorry I had to cut this chapter short. I wanted it to get out, but my friend recently had someone very close to him perish, and I need to be there for him. Hope you guys enjoyed.

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