Seamus and Dean backstory?

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Okay so this entire chapter is going to be their story, because I got some really good inspo, and so im wanting to do the whole thing while not making another book.

In this AU, Seamus and Dean have different personalities, because I'm too lazy to make the story fit with their canon personalities. So it's the same thing I did with Harry and Draco. Also in this, Seamus is a slytherin, so I can add some specialness. (ik ik, im so good at grammaring)

Seamus' POV

I walk into Hogwarts, and sit in the great hall for my third year at Hogwarts. I look over at my crush, and quickly turn away as we made eye contact. Dean Thomas has been my crush for over a year now. I pick at my steak, and bread looks up at me. (bread is a non-binary character I made up for this!)

"Hey Seamus, you okay?" They ask, rubbing my shoulder.

"Yeah. I'm fine." They frown, and turn my head to look at them.

"What's the matter?" They ask, staring at me, dead in the eyes.

"Dean is the matter! I want him to be my daddy, but one, I don't even know if he's gay, two, what if he's not into littles, and being a dom, and three, we haven't even met before!" I say, whispering to them.

Bread sighs, and lets go of my chin, setting their hand in their lap.

"I can solve ONE of those problems." They say, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me by the hand to the Gryffindor table.

-Time Skip-

Here's a sumory, because I'm lazy. The meet, and set up a time to see eachother by the lake. Seamus plans on telling Dean about his little space, but is scared he'll reject him. Fast forward to the meeting by the pond, because I want to get to the good part. ;v;

I walk over to Dean who's laying next to the lake, watching the giant squid pop out of the water.

"H-hi..." I say, sitting next to him.

"Hey!" He says, smiling at me. I blush, and slip a bit into little space.

-Time Skip-

He's about to tell Dean

"H-hey Dean..." I say, looking over to him.

"Yeh?" He says, showing off his straight - sorry - gay teeth.

"So... I have a coping mechinisme called littlespace." I say, taking a deep breath. "It's okay if you don't like me anymo-"

"Why wouldn't I? You're perfect! I'd support you no matter what!" Wow, this guy is pretty striaght(gay) forward...

Seamus explains what little space is, and Dean is excepting.

"So, a few thing you should know about me in my little space, is that:

1. I'm clingy

2. I'm a bit of a brat

3.I love attention littlespace is 1-4

5.If I have too much sugar, I'll pass out. Too much sugar for little me, is two candy bars

6.I get attatched to someone, so if they were to leave me, I would get very depressed

7.I get attached to items my cargiver gives me

and finally, 8, I like little stuff like bottles, pacifiers, onesies, diapers, and toys." I blush at the last one, and Dean picks me u, and into his lap.

"Good to know." He says, smiling

And then they were little and daddy. I'm lazy, and wanted to get this done, so next chapter will be them hanging out :)

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