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I'd just like to say thank you to my friend 'ghosty' for pushing me out of writer's block, and helping me continue writing this story <3 They have really helped me with my confidence! And also thank you all for the support! I'd just like to say that this chapter isn't very happy- Okay enjoy!

TW! Vape

Harry's POV

I tuck Draco in, and sing to him until he falls asleep. I look at him. He's sweaty and has tear stains. I feel so bad for him. He was transported into a whole other person's body.

I sigh, and walk to the door of the room. I turn off the light, and look back at Draco. I turn to the door, and exit the room.

When I get to the kitchen, I notice a small note on a small, what seems to be very old, postcard.

I am coming on the third of december to pick up my son.
Please have him packed and prepared.
Say your goodbyes because you're not going to see him again.
What you have been doing to my son is disgusting.
Gay is a sin, and this littlespace nonsense is just terrible
Yours sincerly, Lucius Malfoy'

I stare at the note.

Lucius is coming?!

There is no way I'm letting him get anywhere near Draco.

I tidy the room, and get dressed. It's been about an hour, and if Draco's 'father' is coming, then I better get him ready.

"Hey, honey bee, wake up sweetheart." Draco bolts up, and starts feeling his chest and hair. "Baby, it's okay, you're in your own body." I pick him up, and rock him slowly.

Third person

"D-daddy..." Draco hugs him tightly, so much Harry starts coughing a bit.

"A-alright buddy that's enough!" Draco looks at him sadly.

"Sowwy daddy." Harry nods, and smiles at his baby boy.

"It's alright sweetie." Harry's smile drops into a frown, remembering the letter.

How did Lucius even find out about it?

"Hey baby, can you be big for a second?" Draco nods sadly, and Harry sets him down.

"What is it?" Big Draco asks him.

Harry sighs, and looks at Draco. "Y-your father is coming. And he's taking you away." Draco slips right back into littlespace, and starts balling his eyes out.

"No! No, no, no! Daddy! Pease!! No hav take ee!" (Please!! Don't let him take me!) Harry shushes him, and kisses his forehead over and over, while hugging him, and rubbing his back.

"Baby, don't worry, daddy would never let such a meanie take his little boy!" Draco sniffles, snot rolling down his face.

Harry conjures a tissue, and wipes the snot of the little boy's face.

"Shhh, baby, it's alright! Let's get you changed, and dressed and then we can play with cars, okay?" Draco nods, panicking silently.

The thing was, Draco was hiding something from Harry.

He smoked. He also just happened to hide his vapes behind the car bin.

If Harry found them, he would leave Draco with Lucius for sure. After a good beating from both of them of course.

Harry carries Draco to the changing table, and sets him down. He takes off the soaked diaper, and puts him in a thin pull-up.

Harry looks at Draco's face when he's finished, and notices the small boy's distress. He sits him up infront of him on the table, and brags his hands, rubbing his palms as to calm the boy.

"Baby boy, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Harry caresses Draco's cheek as he shakes his head.

"Can ee play wif Barbies instead?" Draco asks hesitaintly.

"Sure baby! But is that what's bothering you? You seem very nervous." Draco's mental eyes widen in fear.

"N-no! Am scared of dad coming take Dwaco..." He lies.

Harry's lip juts out. "Oh okay, buddy, well you can talk to me if anything else is bothering you." Draco fake smiles, and lets out a mental breathe. Thank god! Harry wouldn't find his vapes.

Lavender's POV🤮🤢

I get a letter from Lucius, and giggle madly.

Thank you for this information.
He will be leaving the school at once.
Regards, Lucius

"Lav, I really don't think this is a good idea..." Cho whispers. Ginny nods, and turns to me.

"Yeah Lavender, I good also get exposed... I don't wanna get exposed!" Ginny rambles nervously.

"Don't worry girls, nothing will happen. Nothing except for the fag leaving this school, leaving Harry to me!" I giggle again, and the girls look at eachother.

My plan is going exactly to plan hahaha...

I think I'm FINALLY coming out of writer's block! I'm trying to stick to a story line, and right now it makes no sense, but it'll all add up in the end! Trust me! Okay, love you all! Byee!!


Word count: 808

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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