Pansy and Hermione (The letter part 2)

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3rd person

Harry craddled the small boy, while turning on blue clues.

"Hey baby, Pansy and Hermione will be here in a second, can you put your crayons away? It can be for only a minute or two." He pouts and shakes his head. "That was me telling you to clean up." Draco whimpers, and slowly puts each of his crayons away one by one.

Harry put a finger down the front of Dracos pants to check his diaper.

"Okay baby, let's change you."

"Otay daddy."

Harry carried Draco to his room in the RoR, and changed him quickly.

They heard a knock, and Harry just finished cleaning up Draco.

"Stay here baby, okay?" Draco nodded, and Harry ran to the door.

"Come in!" He opened the door for both girls, and they walked in, holding hands.

"Hello Harry!" Luna walked in, and Harry was shocked.

"I didn't know you were coming." Harry said, trying not to be rude.

"Oh sorry Harry, I'll go if I'm a bother."

"No! No! It's fine! Come in, come in." He invited them to the living room and onto the couch.

Meanwhile with Draco

'Why is daddy taking so long? He should be back by now! Should I go find him... uhmm... Yes!' Draco thought, while getting off the bed, and slowly walking to the door. He saw his daddy standing up in the living room, and slowing walked out, angerily.

"Daddyyyyy" He whined, walking over to Harry, hugging his chest. He looked around and noticed the people staring at him. He tensed up, and hid behind Harry.

"Yes baby?" Everyone awed, and leaned in a bit in order to see Draco.

"P-people..." He said, shaking.

"Honey bear, I told you there would be people." Harry said sighing, and leaning down a bit, to look Draco in the eyes (Yes Draco is a foot shorter than Harry)

"Too many." Draco said, looking down.

"Baby, if you don't want to be around people, you can go play in your room."

"Come with me?" Harry closed his eyes for a few seconds, and breathed deeply.

"We have company over. You can play by yourself in your room if you don't wanna be around people, or you can stay here and color." Draco was not happy, so he stormed off to his room, slamming the door, and locking it.

"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY WE DO NOT SLAM DOORS. YOU'LL GET PUNISHED LATER. I am so sorry about him." Harry said, turning to the girls.

"It's really fine Harry!" Pansy said, smiling.

"Yeah, it's okay, it's not your fault." Said Luna, closing her eyes, and opening them slowly.

Draco's POV

Daddy is so mean! I just wanted to play! He can play with me while he talks! I storm off to my room, and slam the door loudly, and lock it.

"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY WE DO NOT SLAM DOORS. YOU'LL GET PUNISHED LATER." Daddy yells. I screamed into my pillow, and start crying.

I want my daddy.

I played with my trucks for a bit, but wasn't very entertained. I layed in my train-shaped bed, on my side, facing the wall for hours. I hear my door open, and I furrow my eyebrows.

What I assume is my daddy, sits on the bed behind me, rubbing my side with his huge hand. (That ain't the only thing that's huge)

"Baby... Look at me." I ignore him, and scrunch my legs close to my chest, which hurt while being sideways, but I didn't care.

"Baby." He picks me up, and puts me on his lap, facing him. I try to get out of his grip, but he's too strong for me.

"I don't want to have to punish you a few days after I just punished you." I whimpered.

"Now, I want you to know that daddy loves you more than anything." My eyes lit up, and my lips parted.

"weally?" I asked, in amazement.

"Yes, really!" He said, nuzzling my nose with his own.

"So no punishment?" I ask, tilting my head. He awed, and I frowned, growling, which made him laugh (A/N He sounded like a meowing kitten <3)

"Hah! No, your still getting a punishment." I pout, and he sighs.

"Baby, not everything can go your way always. There are consequences to your actions. You have to understand that. Even though I yelled at you, doesn't mean I don't love you, it just means you need to learn. Okay kitten?" I nod, and nuzzle into his chest, hugging my daddy.

"So what are da consicwensis?" I say, struggling to pronounce 'consequence'.

"Early bedtime, and only half of your normal screen time." I gasp in horror, and look up at him.

"So only 15 minutes of scween time?" I say, terrified.

"Yup, and bedtime at 7:00." I growl, making the scariest face I can at him.

"Your fault." He says, shrugging.

"Hate you..." I say cuddling into him.

"Love you too honey bear."


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