Little Space date (Deamus)

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Meanwhile with Deamus

Seamus' POV

I jump up and down on the bed, excited for me and Dean's date.

"Baby, please settle down." He says, covering his face with one hand.

"Never!!" I yell, and run away from his bed, and around the room, giggling.

"Teddy bear, no date if you keep running around!" He says, slightly amused.

"Fwine." I say, crossing my arms, and pouting.

"Heh... Your so cute." He says, getting out of bed.

"Am not!" I say, sassily.

"Are too!" He says, picking me up.

I stick my tounge out at him, and he didn't do anything about it.

"What do you want to wear?" Daddy asks me, looking through our closet with one hand, holding me in the other.

"I don' know." I say, shrugging.

"Okay then, I'll pick!" He picks out a light pink shirt, and a hoodie that says "milk 'n juice"

He put a think diaper on me, and the hoodie was already too big for me, so he just put some leggings on under it.

"Good boy for staying still for daddy, or this would've been a lot harder!" I stopped myself from saying 'that's what she said' and smiled at him.

"Tank you!" I say, hugging him.

"Okay teddy bear, can you let go so daddy can get dressed?" He asks, and I shake my head, clinging onto him very tightly.

"Want Mrs. Stuffs to cuddle you while I get dressed?" Mrs. Stuffs is my stuffed monkey.

"Yes pease!" I say polietly, hugging Mrs. Stuffs.

I'm too lazy to describe Dean's outfit, so use your imagination.

"Where we gonna go for da date?" I ask him, waddling around the room.

"I was thinking..." He started, while putting a tie on. "I found this restraunt for littles and their doms! I was thinking I'd be a nice place to go, so you could be little, AND not be shy." He says. I have such a good daddy!

"But what if some-un see me and be mwean?" (someone) He thinks for a moment before finishing off his tie, and facing me.

"Then I'll drop kick them, and tell them to apoligise." He says. He said it in a babyish voice, but he sounded serious. "Okay baby?"

"Otay! Thank oos daddy!" I say, a bit more in little space now.

"No problem hun." He kissed my forehead, and I giggled at the tickly feeling.

I just then remembered something.

"Ish Dwaco otay?" I say sadly, squeezing Mrs. Stuffs even tighter.

Ouch! That hurts! I quickly soften my grip around her, and whisper sorry.

"Yes baby, Draco's okay. His daddy is helping him get better." Daddy whispers to me, stroking my cheek lightly.

I cuddle into his hand, and eventually he pulls his hand away, picking me up. We go to McGonagall's office, and she lets us use her fireplace to Floo to Diagon Alley. The teachers are the only ones who know about me, Draco, and Ron being littles.

We arrive at the returaunt, and Dean got us a table. I look around, and everythings so colorful! The walls were pastel version of the primary colors. The alphabet In black and white bordering the walls. Black outlines of large animals, and a safari was stuck to the wall.

"Ewapant!" (elephant) (he said it as: eh-woh-p-oh-nt) He nods.

"Yes, baby! Elepahnt!" He receptionest smiles, and she guides us to a table in the corner.

"My names Faith, and I'll be your waitress! I'll be back in a bit for your orders!" She says happily. She leaves, and daddy looks over at me.

"How do you feel about this place?" He asks me, holding my hand.

"Me yikes it!" I say, smiling widely.

"I'm glad!" He says, handing me a paper menu. I decided to jump straight to the maze on the back, and use the red crayon to guide myself through it.

"Baby, before you do that, we need to order! Then you can do that!" He chuckles, then flips over the menu reading the options to me.

"Wan mac n chez." I say, looking up at him.

"What do we say?"

"Pease." (please)

"Good boy." I smile at the praise. "Now, what do you want to drink?"

"orn jus." (orange juice) I say, sucking on my thumb. He slaps my hand lightly, and I bring my hand back to my lap.

"Orange juice?" I nod, and he looks at his own menu.

The waitress comes back, and he orders a salad, and a chicken sandwhich, as well as my food.

"It'll be here in a moment!" She says, writing in her notebook, and walks to the kitchen.

I look around, and see Luna. I get excited, because I didn't know she was a little, but then look at her dom. Ginny?!?! I whimper, and scoot closer to Dean.

"Honey, what's wrong? You look worried..." He says, rubbing my shoulder.

"Dada.. Gin Gin is at table with Wuna... Wuna gon get hwurt..." He looks over to where I'm pointing, and sighs.

"Seamus, baby, she'll be okay. She looks happy!" I turn around, and sure enough, Luna is happily babbling to herself, while Ginny laughs. It wasn't even an evil laugh.

"Otay..." I say, sitting back up.

"What do you want to do after we eat?" He asks, playing with my hair.

"I wan go to pawk." I say, crawling into daddy's lap

"We were just at the park the other day though. How about we go to the movie theaters, and watch a movie? Is that alright baby boy?" I think for a minute, deciding if I wanted to scream, or just say yes.

"Otay, we go to moofies." (movies) I nod in aprovle, and kiss his cheek.

"Aw thank you baby, that was so sweet!" He says, and I smile.

"No poblem dada!!" I say, finishing the maze.

After we ate, daddy brushed the food off my face with the sleeve of his shirt, and kissed my nose. I giggled, and once we started leaving, I quickly stopped daddy, and ran over to Luna, hugging her.

"Wuna!" I say, hugging her still.

"Saymus?" She asks, looking up at me. She smiles widely and hugs me back.

"Is me! Saymus!!" I say happily, pointing to myself, and pulling away from the hug.

"Yay!!" She says, clapping her hands.

"Baby bear, we need to get going if you wanna get to the movies!" Daddy says. I make a sad face, and give her the number to my ipad, so we can facetime.

"Am coming daddy!" I say, running over to him.

"Good boy!" I smile at the praise, and walk away, holding his hand, and waving at Luna and Ginny.

"Wanna see Frozen?" He asks, walking us to the movie theater.

"Ummm... Yes!!!" I say, skipping on the sidewalk.

"Baby bear, your too far ahead. Stay next to me." I walk back to him, and hold his hand tighty, snuggling into his side.

Finally, I had the motivation to complete this!!!

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