Great hall

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Okay so in this AU, there are 2 sorting cermonys.

Harry's POV

Draco has been extra clingy today. He wouldn't let me leave his side. He wanted to be right next to me the entire day. Problem was, we have the second sorting ceremony... Which means he has to sit at the Slytherin table, and I have to sit at the Gryffindor table. I sighed, and pet Draco's hair, and rubbed his cheek with my thumb.

"Baby, I have something to tell you." I say, picking him up the face me. I set him on my lap.

"Whut ish ih daddy?" (what is it daddy?) He asks, tilting his head.

"Well, the sorting ceremony is coming up, and that means you have to sit at the Slytherin table. He blinks.

"Otay? So?" (Okay? So?) I close my eyes softly, and slowly open them. I look at Draco, kissing his forehead.

"So you have to sit there while I'm at Gryffindor." I say.

"B-Bu-but you--you pomised me y-you would nev-neva w-wea me!" (But you promised me that you would never leave me!) I sigh, as he breaks into sobs.

"I'm sorry princess..." He shakes his head, and I place gentle kisses on his face and head.

"DADDY! PLEASE!" A silent tear runs down my face.

"I'm sorry hun." I say, rubbing his back. He flinches, and crawls off my lap, and onto the other side of the bed.

"Why oo hurted me? Oo stil wove me!?" (why did you hurt me? do you still love me?) My heart drops into my stomach, and I quickly shuffle over to him, sprinkling kisses on him.

"Baby, don't say such nonsense! Of course I still love you!" He cries even more.

"Back hurts!" He says, hugging me tightly. "Want pain go away!" He says, chewing on my shirt. My heart aches, as all I can do is hope it heals. Ma'adm Pomfrey already did what she could to help him.

"I'm so sorry Honey bee, I really hope your pain goes away..." I pick him up, carrying him to the kitchen, getting him a bottle of milk, and heating it up. I put vanilla in it, as for a little treat, and I sit down on the couch to feed him.

I tip the bottle into his mouth, and the liquid pours into his mouth.

"Nom noms?" He asks me. Nom noms meant he wanted food.

"But you just had milk, silly baby!" He giggles as I tickle his stomache.

"Hehe! Otay, but can we watch Fozen?"(Haha! Okay, but can we watch Frozen?) I nod, laughing a bit. He looks at me, smiling.

"Sure princess." I say, grabbing the TV remote, and turning on Frozen 2,as we saw the first Frozen yesterday.

-an hour later-

"Daddy I have a questin." (question) I look at him, pausing the movie.

"Can we tell people dat we togefer so we can sit with eachother?" (together) I think for a moment.

"Well, if your comfortable with it, I'm ok with it! But we can decide once your big." I say.

"But I am big!!" He buffs his chest out, making a 'scary' face, crossing his arms.

"Ahh! So scary! Someone needs to save me!" Draco gasps, and crawls onto my lap, covering me in kisses. Whenever he's hurt, I kiss him a bunch to 'make his ouchies go away' because pain is 'scared of kisses'.

"I save you daddy!" Draco says.

"Thank you my prince for saving me! I think we need to celebrate!" I bring the toys I took away from him a while back, and show them to him. He grins, smiling.

"Tank you daddy!" He says, hugging me, and looking at the toys.

"Hey bud," He blinks questionably (you know what to do my grammar friend) and stares at me. "I think it's time for a bath."

"NO!" He yells, shrinking away from me, still on my lap.

"Baby, please. You haven't had a bath in weeks. Your stinky." His eyebrows lower. "Honey, it's not a choice. Would you rather a shower?" He shakes his head.

"Wanna be out of littlespace for it?" He nods, so I tell him we can do it tomorrow.

-the next day-

Draco's POV

"Babe, wake up." Harry shakes me awake, and I groan, wanting to sleep.

"Five more minutes..." I say, getting comfier in his arms.

"Babe you promised to have a shower or bath today." He says. I roll me eyes.

"I don't smell that bad!" He picks me up without warning, and I scream a bit.

He carries me to the bathroom, stripping me of my clothes while he runs warm water. He makes me get into the tub. I look over at Harry expecting him to be gone, but instead he's naked. Damn he has a big- anyways he gets into the tub with me, getting comfortable with me infront of him.

"H-HARRY!" I scream. He hushes me. HOW DARE HE HUSH ME?!?!

"Let's relax." He says, pulling me onto his lap, making me blush at how my ass touched his- ok I'll stop.

"Okay." I say, adjusting to the warmth of the water.

"You look really good in that outfit. You should wear it more often" Harry says.

"But I'm not wearing anything...?" I say, turning to look at him.

"That's the point." He says, stroking my thighs, making me moan.

"B-babe I-" He shushes me once more, his hands making their way to my waist, holding it tightly. We stay like this for about 20 minutes, until Harry decides it's time to be cleaned. He cleans my entire body, spending a little bit more time on my d*ck.

"Mmmm" I moan slightly, and he chuckles.

"Okay, now it's time to get out, and dry off." I whine, not wanting it to end.

"And to think you didn't want to get in." I growl at him, and he pauses. He growls back a deeper, hotter, and more dominaint growl. I shrink back due to embarassment.

"That was hot..." I mumble.

"What was that?" Harry asks, grabbing our towels.

"Nothing!" I say quickly, looking up at him.

"If you say so~" He says in a sing-song voice.

"Oh shut up!" I say, glaring at him.

"Bet." He says, coming over to my shivering body, holding my chin up and kissing me.

I stand there paralized.

"I won!" He says cheerfully.

"Fuck off..." He chuckles.

"Oh noooo! I'm so scared!!" He says in a baby voice, while handing me the towel.

I dry myself off, and pull on some boxers.

"Can we go to the sltherin common room?" I ask him, pulling on a simple outfit.

"I don't see why not~" I guess he's in a very flirty mood today. "And while we're there we can tell them about us!" I nod in agreement, and look over at Harry who's still naked.

"Oi, get some clothes on!" I shout at him, throwing a book at him.

"Oh c'mon you'd prefer me in this!" I blush, smacking him again.

"Let's just go."

Honey Bee || DDLB || HarcoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora