When he comforts You

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This one is for you @Jood5576 (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ♥️ Thanks for inspiring me ('∩。• ᵕ •。∩')

This probably wasn't y'all were expecting buuuut I hope you guys liked it anyways XD

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This probably wasn't y'all were expecting buuuut I hope you guys liked it anyways XD


Your Pov

My pet fish died today.

My lips were in a pout as my eyes held unshed tears. Was I not doing a good enough job as Fishy's owner? Did I not take care of him enough?

Fishy was a great pet. He just...

Actually what does he do other than swim around in his bowl all day?

Anyways, he was a pretty decent pet. I loved him very much. It's as if I have an intimate connection with him, a connection that brought us together, that made us bond to each other.

I'm being a huge drama llama.

I should give him a proper burial. Flushing him down the toilet doesn't sound so good. He might haunt me if I do that.

Because of my small loss, I've been slacking and sluggish all day. I wasn't interested in doing anything other than lay down on my bed and read some interactive stories.

I didn't even notice the countless of beeping my phone has done. After the fifth ringing i heaved out a groan and decided to pick it up. Then I saw who the caller was; It was Luka.

Blinking profusely, I quickly pressed the green button and put the call on speaker.

I hear Lukas crisp, soft voice coming from the other end of the call. I could tell that he was worried based off of the tone of his voice.

"(Y/N) are you alright? I've been calling you for a while now, why aren't you picking up?" He asked, worry shakes in his tone of voice.

I shook my head, then I remembered I was alone in my room. I grumbled under my breath and answered him.

"I'm sorry babe I wasn't feeling well." I admitted as I bit my lip.

"What happened? Are you sick?" He asked. I heaved out a sigh and plopped back on my bed.

"Nah I'm just kind of... Sad." I said.

"But why babe? Are you feeling lonely again?" Luka asks, concern and worry avail in his tone of voice.

I bit my lip, hesitating to answer for a second. He might think I'm just being silly.

Oh what the heck. He's my boyfriend.

"Fishy died." I heaved out and then hid my face under a pillow, expecting a hole of laughter come out of Luka. But I what I received was a moment of silence.

"Luka?" I softly called his name out.

No answer.

"Luukaaaaa?" I called out once more.

Then I heard shuffling from the other end of the call. Then footsteps running about. I wonder what he's up to.

"Okay if you're not gonna answer I'll just end the call." I grumbled. I was about to press the red button on the call but then I heard his voice crisp from the other end.

"Wait wait!! I'm almost at your house." He exclaimed which had my heart halt to a stop.

"Wait what?" I asked.

A few minutes passed. I was watching some anime in the living room, then I heard out doorbell right. I assumed it was probably Luka because dad never mentioned any visitors today.

I opened the front door, and my assumption was right. Luka stood infront of our porch, hair frazzled and his body was frantic. I couldn't help but let out a giggle, he looks so crazy.

"Hey Luka." I greeted him with a small wave.

"We're gonna give Fishy a proper burial." He said, then took out a small shovel and a single Lilly flower.

The lily is the flower most commonly associated with funeral services as they symbolize the innocence that has been restored to the soul of the departed. The white lily expresses majesty and purity, where as white stargazer lilies specifically symbolize sympathy.

I shrugged. It wasn't really necessary buuuut this is my first pet fish so, he deserves a proper burial.


Luka pats the soil in the ground. We had just finished putting fishy to sleep in my dad's garden. It's pretty weird but we didn't know where to hurt him, so we just buried him here.

He stands up and wraps one arm around my shoulder for comfort. I nuzzle closer to him and heaved out a small sigh.

"Fishy was a good pet. He kept you company while I was away and he... He swam around and stuff.." Luka said.

" Yeah. Thanks for getting me Fishy babe. And I'm sorry for killing him." I said, grumbling the last part. He looks down on me with a small smile, then patted my head.

"I can always get you another one." He suggested.

I shook my head then playfully slapped his arm.

"Can I have you as my pet instead?" I asked him. I looked at him, blush soared across his cheeks.

"I can be your little Carpet Phyton." He purred at me like an adorable snake. I let out a giggle and kisses his reddening cheeks.

"Sure babe, sure."

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