When you and him celebrate your Anniversary (Special Scenario)

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Y'all, we are finally at this stage 😭

Honestly, I've been trying to avoid making this scenario for a while now. I've had so much fun memories making this Scenario Book, I didn't want it to end.

But at the same time, I'm also getting tired of this book. Sweet boyfriend/girlfriend scenarios are nice. But I've been wanting to try and experiment with more deep scenarios (I'm not talking about smut/lemons! xD)

Maybe after 100 chapters I'll end this book and start making the husband scenario one.

Thank you NaLushipper12345 for requesting! And I'm so sorry it took so long XD

Let's get on with this chapter


Your Pov

Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people.

There is no imbalance of power. Partners respect each other's independence, can make their own decisions without fear of retribution or retaliation, and share decisions.

It's not always about the fancy dates, or the lavish gifts, or the bouquet of flowers. I personally think that the little things matter more than anything else, it's what makes relationships fun.

A year and a half has passed since I met Luka, a year and a half of wonderful memories and adventures with him and the gang.

I still giggle at the thought. It's only been a year, but we've been through so much together. I'll admit that our relationship was kind of quick, we started off mysterious.

We didn't know each other that well, but I guess that was a good thing. Luka ensured to take things slow after, making sure that I was comfortable every step of the way.

"A penny for your thoughts?" A small, slightly muffled voice ask. I looked down to see Lukas droopy teal eyes, still half closed and all.

And yawn escaping his lips as he snuggles his face closer on my chest. A small sigh escaped my lips as I reached for the fluffy locks on his head, softly playing with the tendrils of his hair.

"Just remembering the first time I saw you." I cooed, swirling his hair with my pointer finger. I could practically feel the smile forming on his lips, he's adorable.

"Oh yeah, I still remember it clearly. I couldn't take my eyes off you." Luka wrapped his arms around my waist in a comforting manner.

He slowly started to plant soft butterfly kisses just above my collarbone, making sure to cover all the skin he could reach. I couldn't help but giggle at his adorable antics.

"I'm pretty sure I looked really weird that day, babysitting Mari is no easy ta-" My eyes grew wide in surprise when I heard this weird sound evoke from my lips.

"L-Luka!" Immediately, i started to attack his chunky looking cheeks. Pulling on them ever so slightly, while trying to control my reddening face.

"Sorry! Please continue." He mused, his eyes twinkling with this childish sparkle. A small smirk plastered on his lips as he examines my flustered state.

"The first time I met you, I thought you were weird- and annoying." I started to explain, trying my best not to laugh at Lukas expression.

His lips were curled into a small pout. "And?" He then asked.

"And you are." I bursted out laughing at Lukas offended expression. His nose scrunched up and the look of disbelief in his eyes were priceless.

"I'm kidding, you silly. I thought you were an alien."

"That's even worse."

"It's the truth!"

We continued to talk about silly things, remembering and reminiscing about all our wonderful adventures.

As Luka spoke, telling a story about that one time he almost fell down the liberty while practicing his dancing for one of our dates- I softly played with the tendrils of his hair, silently listening and holding onto his every word.

My other hand gently engulfed in Lukas calloused ones, enveloped in his natural warmth as we watch the rain together.

After a while of blabbering, we eventually calmed down and continued to look out my balcony. I started humming a soft melody that Luka immediately recognised.

"You still remember that one...?" Luka asked, his voice held this slight hint of curiosity as he rolls on his stomach to look me in the eyes. I smiled at him.

"It's the first song you sang to me- Yes I remember it, you dork." A small scoff escaped Lukas lips when I quickly ruffled his locks of hair, his lips formed into a pout.

"Do you know what day it is today?" He trailed off at the last few words, his eyes averted my gaze. Luka quickly started to fiddle with his ring as he awaits for an answer.

"Should I know what day it is today?" I raised a brow at him.

"It was around this time as well, I told you to meet me at Le Pont Des Art. Six pm, sharp." He started to explain.

"You looked absolutely breathtaking in that outfit, I could definitely tell that you were discreetly trying to impress me." I couldn't help but blush at his words, I've been caught.

"And you know what's the funniest part? I thought you liked someone else!" We both had a good laugh, cheeks red in embarrassment and all.

I didn't bother chiming in a few words, I was quite interested in what he has to say next.

"So I was kind of fighting myself, for you...? It doesn't matter I guess." A small chuckle evoked from his lips.

"Today's our one year Anniversary. One year ago today, I asked you to be mine. I asked you to stand by my side, to be my muse. To be my everything. I'm really glad you said yes (Y/N)." He squeezed my hand in a comforting manner. My eyes grew as wide as saucers as I mentally facepalm myself- How could I forget such a day?

"Every day I spend with you, the more I start to realize how much of an impact you made on me. I stared go change for the better- You changed me for the better." Luka sat down promptly, stretching a bit as he continues.

"There isn't a word big enough to describe what you mean to me. When you smile, my whole world lights up, even when it's cloudy. Our love is eternal like the stars in the skies and the oceans in our world."

"You are so beautiful, more than anything that I have ever seen. You make me complete and put a smile on my face every single day that no one else could ever do. You are the most amazing woman I know, a model, and as sweet as can be. Thank you for being my Muse, love."

Immediately, I tightly wrapped my arms around him. I buried my face on the crook of his neck, trying to hide my reddening face. My eyes tear streaked as I nuzzled closer into his hold.

"Happy one year Anniversary Luka. Maybe when the rain stops we can visit Le Pont Des Art again." A small sigh escaped my lips as o start to pepper small butterfly kisses on his neck.

"I'd love that."


Waaah were so close y'all 😭 I haven't updated in forever because of this chapter.

Well, that and there's also schoolwork and stuff. Buuut hey in a few weeks I'll have a heck load of free time so I might update more 🤣

Thanks for reading y'all! And for being so patient with me 😂 I would've finished this one earlier if it weren't for me being a lazy bum again.

See y'all on the next chapter!

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