When you and him Dance

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I love a good romantic dancing scene (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡


Your Pov

Luka and I were finally able to relax and unwind after worrying about the most craziest things for months.

It shouldn't be this difficult to prepare for a wedding.

But the months haven't been simple due to the relentless attacks that Monarch kept bringing, followed by the concerts and shows Luka has to perform.

But in the end, we succeeded and were really pleased with the outcomes.

It has already been decided on the cake. We were able to guarantee that the cake would be as extravagant as in our expectations thanks to Sabine and Tom's assistance.

I asked for a few alterations to the dress that I had chosen to match my style, and Marinette and Ai assured it wouldn't be too much of a trouble.

We were also able to locate the ideal location for the venue and planners with the help of our other friends.

Luka murmured, a tiny sigh departing his lips. "Honey, have I told you about that bouquet delivery? I suppose they want us to stop by tomorrow to see if we wanted to add anything to our list."

Luka then hastily emails back a response. I gave him a nod before giving him the specially brewed coffee.

Even if afternoon coffee and pastries seem overrated, it's actually rather cozy.

(Ofc y'all can change it up if you want lol)

I turned to give Luka a light kiss on the side of his cheek before going to take a sip of my drink, "We can check them out tomorrow after I meet up with Zoé and Nathaniel. I want to see what they did to the venue."

After giving a satisfied nod, Luka let out a slight sigh. He stretched his hands and moaned before setting his phone down on the counter.

He then continued, "We're almost done with the preparations, right? So we have flowers now."

I nodded. "Yes sir."

"And the cake and venue has been taken care of.."


"And you've already triple checked your dress."

"Yeps. I can't wait to show you."

"And the others are in charge of everything else?"

"Pretty much."

"So, what's left?"

I paused to consider what he had said while sipping my coffee gently in between.

After some time of thinking, I still had nothing, but the faint sound of music coming from outside jolted me out of my reverie.

Although the music was soothing, it had a sparkling vibe that made me want to tap my feet on the hardwood floor.

I began humming along to the music because I thought I recognized the lyrics.

I eventually began to sing along with the words, losing track of everything around me and in between.

As he joins my singing, Luka says, "I remember this song." Our voices harmoniously mingled and melded together.

I focused on Luka and observed that his cheeks were starting to get a little redder.

Although the music grew louder, none of us voiced any complaints.

Luka eventually got up from his cozy counter seat and extended his hand for me to take.

His lips move into a little smile as he motions for me to grab his hand, his eyes fixed on mine once more.

"Let's dance, Sweetheart."

I grabbed his hand without giving it a second thought and allowed him to draw me in. I could feel his heart pounding at his chest as he pulled me incredibly close to his physique.

However, I've always found comfort in the sound of his heartbeat. My shoulder was lightly touched by his hands before he linked our fingers together.

Before I knew it, Luka had his other hand wrapped around my waist and we were both swaying along to the music.

He had a knowing grin playing at his lips, and I couldn't help but laugh at how silly he appeared to be.

"We were missing a dance." He then said, which had me confused for a brief second.

Before I could ask Luka to clarify what he had said so that I could comprehend, a rush of insight washed over me as he spun me around.

We were required to dance as husband and wife after the ceremony, and some of us may have both two left feet. As a result, practice was very essential.

I stood on my tiptoes and planted a quick thank you kiss on Luka's lips, saying, "I can't believe I almost forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me."

I wasn't disappointed when he gave the kiss a lovely response and even managed to steal another one.

"Of course, Sweetheart. We're a team, I always have your back." He stated as a matter of fact, making me nod in reply.

Even though the outside music stopped, we continued to waltz and dance inside the apartment.

As he turned on his music, Luka insisted that we keep practicing since, in his words, it was for the sake of the world.

Practice was enjoyable, so I didn't mind. especially if it involves Luka.

We behaved in a crazed, love-crazed manner, like some insane people who can't control themselves. But at the time, it didn't matter because we were both laughing and having a good time.

At that point, we were the only ones who mattered to one another.

"In just a few more weeks. You'll be (Y/N) Couffaine. How does that make you feel?" Luka suddenly blusted out of the blue, making my cheeks flare up in an instant.

"I-i.. Well. It makes me feel excited of course. I've thought about it before, and it definitely has a nice tone to it." I nodded at him, a small smile playing at my lips.

After the dance, Luka leans in and gives me a quick kiss on the bridge of my nose. He laughed, making my face turn all the shades of crimson.

"First you steal my heart, then my snacks, then my hoddies. I knew you were a greedy little baby, so I'm giving you my last name wholeheartedly. You don't have to steal from me this time." Luka then smiles at me.

I don't want to wait any longer. I don't think I can wait any longer.


Wews I'm on a roll tonight lol I've published more than one chapter XD

I'm a little sleepy so I guess I'll be continuing in the morning. I still got a lot of planning and writing to do soooo

Hope y'all enjoy! Please make sure to leave a vote or a comment.

And if you want to support me the please leave a follow on my account alazyass_! That way, you can also be updated whenever I upload new content!

Love y'all! Get ready cause I want wait for long either XD

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