Chapter Seventy-Nine: Bridges break

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No one was patient, not a soul. Reyes was itching to leave the house and aid the search. Kogin trying to talk him down from interfering with the federal investigation. Reeves watched Finn nervously, "Hey buddy, you okay?" Reeves asked him. 

Finn nodded wiping his nose on his sleeve of the sweatshirt, "Yeah." 

Reeves put his arm around him, "Hey, don't worry, they'll find her." 

Finn nervously played with the edges of his sweatshirt until Asher reached over grabbing his hand but kept his eyes locked with the floor. 

Maverick sat on the stairs tossing a lacrosse ball between his hands timidly watching his mom stay close to Kaleo as they watched a computer screen controlled by an agent. 

"Mavi," Jax finally said catching his attention, "What're we gonna do?" 

Maverick didn't have an answer for him. Generally, Maverick had the idea's and Jax's executed them, "I... I don't know... I don't know what she's gonna want from us." 

Maverick was fearful of his Ex-Girlfriends tendencies, "Alright here's how this is gonna go," The main agent started, "We're gonna put wires on both of you and I want you two to try and get Angie to admit her kidnapped your sister and try and ask her where she's keeping Kova, once you do, we'll move in and everything should be smooth sailing." 

"Should be," Maverick restated. 

* * * 

My stomach churned into knots and cramped, as I threw up anything in my stomach over the side of the bed. My eyes stung till tears crowded my face falling down my cheeks, "HELP!" I shouted tugging at the chains. 

"Getting desperate now are we?" Angie said leaning against the door jamb. 

"Please, just let me go home," I cried. 

She let the door swing closed leaving me alone. I cried alone tugging at the chains as my stomach wasn't reacting well to lack of food and heavy medicine. It felt like I had just gotten out of the hospital after my attempt where I was just uncomfortable and in pain. I couldn't keep food down and struggled to have any energy at all. 

"Got everything?" Kaleo asked her as she nodded pulling the hood up.

Kaleo held her hand as they walked down toward the parking garage, "Daddy?"



She shook her head and curled up against the window of the truck. Kaleo grabbed her hand holding it all the way home where Reeves truck was parked next to the patrol car.

Kova was tired and looked ready for hours of sleep but seeing Finn when they walk in the door gave her life. They didn't say anything to each other just embraced in a tight hug. 

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there," Finn muttered. 

"Shut up Finn," She told him and rested her head on his shoulder. 

When they finally pulled away Kova wiped the tears from her eyes just in time for Eddie to hug her, "I'm sorry Coco," He told her. 

She nodded But Reeves reached down picked her up like a child to hold her tighter, "I'm so glad you're okay kitty." 

Eddie leaned over to Kaleo, "When y'all leave for the island?" 

"Tomorrow night. Can you drive?" 

"Yeah. No problem." 

Coming home from the hospital for Kova normally entailed a barbeque or going out for dinner with family, But when only such a small group knew she was in the hospital and what she was in for, they were no parties for a safe return. 

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