Chater Eighty-Eight: This Land

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I sat in my car for a while till I saw in my rearview mirror the sheriff's SUV pull into the lot. I perked up a bit. Pulling up next to me I could see Reeves shaking his head, "You know calling 9-1-1 for non-emergency is illegal right?"

"I consider this an emergency, and I didn't use 9-1-1... I had a dispatcher's phone number."

"Kova, I'm working-"

"My dad told me what happened... The night Finn called. I made him tell me," I gulped.

He pursed his lips and didn't say anything. The rain started coming down again and I wrapped the raincoat around my self but the loose strands of hair fell in my face soaking wet, "Reeves, please. You gotta let me back in. I just wanna help. I can't watch you guys go through a divorce. I can't watch Finn watch you guys through that. Please. You were there for me when my dad was going through a hard time... please let me help you."

"Kova," He sighed, "You were 5 years old. Your dad lost both his parents suddenly and fixed himself up in a few days. This is not a new problem with Eddie and you know that."

"Please! You can't do this-" Reeves walked closer I thought to give me a hug but just pulled my hood up.

"Go home Kov," He told me.

"Reeves-" He turned around and got back in the patrol car, "Reeves!" I shouted but he ignored me and drove off. I sat back in the car letting the tears fall down my face.

My parents were home by the time I got home, "Coco, where'd you go-" I ambushed my dad with a tight hug.

"I'm sorry," I whimpered, "I'm so sorry daddy."

"Hey what happened baby?"

"I... I told Reeves that I knew and I just wanted to help...and he shut me out," I covered my eyes with my arm, "Daddy I'm sorry."

"No, hey, hey, hey it's okay."

"It's okay honey," My mom said coming up behind me.

"Hey, why don't you go get out of these wet clothes?"


"Asher's with Finn, Maverick, and Jax went to... do something probably illegal."

I went up and took a long shower and when I walked out pausing my music I heard more voices than my parents downstairs, "Reeves, I know this is hard on you, but you can't block everyone out."

"Kaleo you know-"

"I know you're trying to protect her and Finn but this is not the way. Keeping Finn away from the house and with Graham? Locking Kova out? You know this isn't the way. Reeves, she loves you guys, she came home crying... just... go hug her."

The next thing I knew I heard a knock on my door, "Come in," Reeves opened the door and I placed the towel I was drying my hair off with on the floor, "What're you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm sorry kitty. I know what I've done to you the last couple of days hurt, I'm sorry. I was just trying to protect you."

"From what?"

He sat down on my bed patting the spot next to him, "You know what alcoholism looks like?"

"I mean I know what it is..."

"Eddie just... I don't want you or Finn to see him how he is now."

"What're you talking about?"

"He just doesn't look good."

"But he's going to work right?"

Reeves shook his head, "No, his cars in the lot at the station but no. He's not going right now."

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