Chapter 1: Nali!?

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Lucy was currently walking towards the Guild hall, still exhausted from the job team Natsu took yesterday. On the other side she could pay her landlady again, which was kind of nice for a change, if Natsu, Gray and Erza hadn't destroyed half of the city, again. She snapped out of her, depressing, thoughts when she reached the Guild doors.

'Good morning everyone!' she exclaimed happily while entering the Guild.

Lucy walked to her seat at the bar where she began talking to Mirajane.

'Hey Lucy, do you want something to drink?'

'Yes, can I have a strawberry smoothie Mira?'

'Of course, give me a minute.'

Lucy and Mira talked for awhile until Lucy noticed the unique quietness surrounding the Guild.

'How come it's so quiet today?' She asked her friend.

'You haven't noticed,' Mira looked surprised 'Natsu isn't here to start a fight.'

Natsu. The name stopped al of Lucy's other thoughts immediately. How had she forgotten Natsu? Natsu with his onyx eyes, soft salmon hair and amazing smile. He hadn't broken into her apartment neither today what was strange. She admitted she missed him, not that she would tell him that, it wasn't easy being in love with your best friend after al. She didn't want to destroy the close relation they had with each other so she wasn't going to take the risk of him knowing.

The Guild doors opened again revealing two people. The "Salamander" and the one who came back from the "dead" were standing there hand in hand. It didn't take long until the whole Guild hall was shouting.

'Flame Brain has a girlfriend~' Gray exclaimed in a teasing yet challenging voice.

'What did you call me Ice princes!?' An irritated reply came back.

'Flame Brain, idoit!'

'I'm not a idiot Popsicle!'

The fight was stopped by Erza, who was looking at them intently, daring them to make another comment.

'Natsu take good care of Lisanna, am I clear?' she said.

'Loud and clear.'

Everyone was congratulating the new couple and complimenting them on how good they looked together. Nobody noticed that a certain blonde wasn't there anymore...


So heeyyyyy,

Here's the rewritten version as promised. I hope u guys liked it, comments are always appreciated (not rude ones tho so if you feel the need to be rude pls don't)

Until next time!! ^^


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