Chapter 16: Home isn't home without you

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Lucy POV 

This vacation was the best! We had a mansion looking hotel just for us, Juvia doesn't call me love rival anymore and is now one of my best friends and Natsu and I got together. I would have liked it to stay here a bit longer but Master said we had to go back to the guild. We were now waiting until our bus came to bring us home. The other groups already left. Natsu was complaining about why we couldn't just walk but he only received a fist in his face by Master. Finally the bus came into view. We grabbed our baggage and jumped in the bus. I sat next to Natsu with me next to the window and Natsu lying on my lap. I played with his hair until I was sure he was asleep. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, it's cute. The other couples were talking to each other or sleeping. Levy who was sitting the opposite of me looked up from the book she was reading and looked at me. She also had a sleeping dragon slayer on her lap.  

'What are you thinking of Lu-chan?' 

'Nothing much Levy-chan I'm just happy everything ended up well.' I smiled at her and she just nodded. Everything ended up well and I really thanked Mavis for that. I hope things could stay like this for a while. My thoughts were interrupted by a huge explosion. The bus landed sideward on the road. I looked around me to see if everyone was alright. The driver was badly injured and was bleeding from his head. Jellal and Erza looked fine but had little wounds on there arms and legs. The rest of the group was in a pretty bad shape. They all had cuts and bruises all over them.  

'Is everyone okay!?' Erza yelled to get everyone's, the ones that weren't unconscious, attention. Only a few responded the call. Most of them were knocked out from the explosion. The smoke around the bus was fading allowing us to see 3 shadows in the distant. There were two men and one woman. They all had capes on so we couldn't see their faces.  

'WHO THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS!?' Natsu screamed.  

'That's for us to know and for you to find out little dragon slayer.' The woman said. Her voice was calm. She pulled her cape down revealing long green hair and two big brown eyes.  

'What do you guys want?' I asked them. The woman just smiled at me. Her smile transforming into a evil laugh.  

'I'm going to make it easy for you blondie' her eyes made contact with mine and looked like they could kill me by just looking at them 'Hand us over the boys and we won't kill you.' 

'WHY THE HELL WOULD WE DO THAT!?!?' the only thing I could feel was rage. Who were these people and why did they want all the boys? Either way I wasn't planning on giving them so easily. Most of them were now unconscious and couldn't fight. Erza stood now beside me.  

'If you think we will hand them over just like that, you're insane.' Erza requiped into her Heaven's Weel Armor. Hundred of swords were now making there way towards the enemy. The woman dodged all the swords easily.  

'Now it's my turn to play.' She said her hand was covered with a purple smoke.  

'SMOKE ATTACK!' the smoke around her hand came flying towards us. I tried to dodge it but the smoke suddenly grabbed me by my ankle and pulled me off the ground. I tried to reach my keys but I couldn't reach them. The smoke was making his way towards my legs and soon it was nearly covering my whole body. The smoke didn't let me breath. My vision went black and I lost conscious. 

Natsu POV 

I'm getting really frustrated. The smoke won't disappear. I lost sight of everyone else. I tried to sniff them out but I couldn't find anybody's smell. This is bad. You could still hear the evil laugh of that woman.  

'FIRE DRAGON ROAR!' I chanted and hit the smoke with my fire. The smoke disappeared for a moment but appeared again. It made his way around my legs. I tried to get it off of me but the smoke didn't go away. It was slowly making his way around my arms. I couldn't use my fire magic anymore. Suddenly all of the smoke disappeared. The three mages were gone. The other's were badly injured. Wendy was helping everybody as much as she could but soon she passed out from exhausting. Than it hit me. Not everyone was here. Panic shot trough me like a magic bullet. The strawberry mixed with vanilla smell that used to fill my nose wasn't there anymore.  

'Guys has one of you seen Lucy?' The other looked around worriedly. Nobody had seen Lucy after the fight. I saw something glistering a few meters from were we stood. I rushed to the subject. My worst fears became reality when I saw the golden keys lying on the ground. I felt on my knees in front of the golden keys and hold them. The golden keys that belonged to the one he loved so much. They belonged to that celestial blond girl that always would light up his world. They belonged to Lucy. His Lucy. He couldn't live without Lucy. They had been through so much together. He finally had to courage to tell her he loved her. They hadn't even been dating for 48 hours and she was already missing. He was angry. He hated that woman more than anything in this world. She took away Lucy. But he was angrier with himself for letting her go that easily.  

'I will find you Lucy all is it the last thing I do.' 


Hey Minna,

Here's chapter 16. I hope you liked it. I didn't really know what to do further with this story so did you like the kidnapping? Next Chapter: It's like playing Hide and Seek.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima does! I only own the plot.

Until next time^~^,


Mission: Make him jealous!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora