Chapter 22: You can't melt our love

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Wendy POV

The sun was going down giving the forest a beautiful look. Red, orange and yellow colours were dancing in the air. A light breeze was making the leaves dance along the colours. The forest looked so peaceful. Peaceful was the right word to describe it, that until a certain ice wizard decided to freeze everything. Gray-san had been very depressed since Juvia-san disappeared. I heard it was because the last conversation they had was a fight. Now Gray-san was turning every little flower into ice. He didn't even touch the flower. He just walked past them and they al turned into ice. I hope we find Juvia-san soon.

Suddenly a hand grabbed mine and intertwined our fingers. The hand gave me a little squeeze saying it all was going to be fine. The hand was warm and gave such a relaxed feeling. It wasn't just a hand though. It was his hand and in his hands I always felt so protected.

Mira POV

Me and Laxus were walking a little behind the group. The group consisted of Wendy, Romeo, Gray, Laxus and I. Wendy and Romeo were walking in the middle and Gray was walking in the front. We all had to be really careful of where we stepped because of Gray's ice flowers. My otp senses are tingling. I looked closely only to see Rowen acting super cute. Their hands were intertwined with each other and both of their faces were a little red. Awwwwwwwwww soooo cuteeeee!!! I wish me and Laxus would do that. WHAT!? Mira keep yourself together. But it wouldn't hurt to try right? I mean we are in a relation ship. I didn't notice were I was going until I slipped. My body was already falling so I shut my eyes and waited until the impact.

The impact however never came. I opened my eyes slowly. Two big worried eyes were watching me intensely. Our faces were extremely close. I could feel his breath on my skin. His breath hit my skin again making me shiver. His lips were coming closer to mine every little second that passed. My eyes slowly closed and so did his. Our nose were now touching sending electricity through our vines. It was like time had stopped.

Time had literally stopped. A huge explosion sent our body's flying through the air. My back hit a tree making me shout from the pain. The smoke made it hard to see breath. I fought to stay conscious but after a while the darkness consumed me anyways.

Gray POV

Damn this woman. First she kidnaps my comrades, than my girlfriend and now she's trying too kill us with an bomb!? Is she okay!?

'Gray-sama, I have been looking you.' She called.

That name. Gray-sama. I remember Juvia calling me that all the time. I remember her smile, her eyes and the cute way she talks. I miss you so much Juvia.

'Gray-sama?' She called out again.

'What do you want.' I replied coldly.

I maybe didn't have prove that she had Juvia but I knew she knew were she was. I was going to get my Juvia back no matter what.

'Don't act like that Gra-.'

Before she could finish I hit her with my ice hammer.

'Fine if you want to play like that than I can play like that too.' She said and tried to hit me with her smoke attack.

'Ice-Make: Shield.'

'Ice-Make: Ice Cannon.'

She barely dodged my attack but I still managed to hit her shoulder.

'Smoke Tornado.'

Little tornado's of smoke appeared everywhere. Slowly making their way towards me.

'Ice-Make: Ice Geyser.'

She let out a scream filled with pain. Blood was dripping from her wounds. Even so she still managed to chuckle. Her smile turned into an evil one while her eyes glared at me.

'I could of have made you so happy, Gray-sama.'

'Don't make me laugh. My heart belongs to Juvia and it always will.'

'If that's what you think.'

She began to laugh harder.Now she really looked like a psychopath.

'I'll come back Gray-sama until then I will take him as my next toy.'

She disappeared leaving only her smoke behind. The only thing that could be hear was a loud scream. It was filled with pain and desperation. All of that out of an fourteen years old girl.



Hey Minna,

Here's chapter 22. Did you guys like it? Well Megan didn't get Gray but she took Romeo instead. That bitch. Poor Wendy, how will she take this? Will they ever see their loved ones back? Next Chapter 23: Escape plan?

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima does! I only own the plot and Megan, Troy and Jason!

Until next time^~^,


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