Chapter 9: Love as strong as Iron

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Juvia POV

We were still in shock. Levy just walked away with Jet. Well that’s something Juvia thinks is normal but not now. Not in this situation. They were going on a date!? If Gajeel-kun knows about this he is going crazy. But to Juvia’s bad luck he walked in. He looked at all of us and then he focused on Juvia. Probably because Gajeel-kun and Juvia have always been together. Juvia should tell him.

‘What’s going on here?’ Gajeel-kun asked. Juvia walked towards Gajeel. Juvia cleared her throat and began telling him.

‘Gajeel-kun Juvia thinks we might have a problem.’

‘What do you mean Juvia? Why is everybody in shock?’ He looked impatience.

‘Levy-chan is on a date with Jet.’ So Juvia said it. Gajeel-kun looked really shocked. It didn’t take long before he yelled.

‘WHAAAT!?’ He looked at Juvia dead serious ‘Juvia what is the meaning of this? Why should shrimp go out with him anyways!?’ Gajeel-kun maybe didn’t want to show it but Juvia knows he really is in love with Levy-chan.

‘Gajeel-kun Juvia thinks you should go to her’ Juvia looked at him in the eye ‘Go get her and tell her.’ Gajeel-kun just stood there laughing nervous and saying he didn’t know where Juvia was talking about. Juvia would have to make it clear to him. Juvia put the most serious and demanding voice on that Juvia could make.

‘Gajeel go and confess NOW!’ With that Gajeel went out to look for Levy-chan. Please Mavis let Gale happen Juvia pleaded before she began explaining to the confused group of girls and Gray-sama what was going on.

Mira POV

Yesss! My ships are so going to be canon. Juvia just told us that the show Gajeel and Lyon put on in the guild was just an act to make Gray and Levy jealous. That means Gajeel loves Levy. Levy really likes Gajeel it’s obviously she just don’t want’s to admit them. Gajeel please confess to her and let her admit her feelings for you too. Gale will happen I just know it. In the progress of Juvia telling her story Lucy told us about that her and Gray also was just an act to make Juvia jealous. But Gray felt embarrassed so he told us that Lucy came up with the plan to make her crush jealous. She admitted everything but we couldn’t make her give us the name of her crush. But we all know who it is don’t we? Of course and then another of my OTP’s will be canon. Until now Rowen, Gruvia an soon Gale are canon. Nalu, Jerza, Elfgreen, Bixanna and Miraxus have to be canon. Wait what am I saying!? Bad Mira you can’t think of Laxus like that. What do I do?

Lisanna POV

I got to tell Natsu the good news! Lucy ended up telling she had a crush. Three times guess who it is? This is perfect! Nalu for ever! Now the only thing that has to be done is my love life.

Levy POV

I’m with Jet in the theater. If you want to know it we are on a date. It’s just that I’m not enjoying it. Ugh it’s that stupid Iron-heads fault. It just pissed me off the little show he made in the guild with Lyon. Everything for Juvia!? Why I just don’t get it. They have been friends for a long time though. Since then he can’t leave my mind. I can’t even read a book without thinking about him. It’s so frustrating. What is happening to me? How I got with Jet here is a long story. But to tell it short this is what happened.


‘Stupid iron-head what does he thinks he is doing.’ I muttered under my breath. I was really upset and I didn’t even know why. And it’s frustrating because I always know everything. Well might as well do something fun. I looked around the guild. My eyes landed on Jet and Droy. I walked over to them.

‘Hey does any of you want to go with me to the theater?’ they immediately turned to face me.

‘You’re serious!?’

‘Uhm yes?’ they are acting weird I thought. Droy said he couldn’t go because of some dietician appointment he had. He was anime crying. Jet faced me again.

‘Wait Levy can we make it a date please?’ He pleaded and I couldn’t say no. It wasn’t even my intention I just wanted company to the theater and Lu-chan was on a mission with Natsu.

‘S-sure if you want.’

‘Levy I thought you would never ask.’ Jet was so happy he fainted.

*End of Flashback*

That’s how I ended up here. I just wasn’t feeling in the mood. It was Gajeel’s stupid fault. Suddenly somebody lifts me of my seat and kidnapped me. Wait what!? I’m being kidnapped!? Oh Mavis I was panicking but I immediately stopped when I saw black hair and smelled metal. Did that stupid Iron head just kidnapped me!? I began to hit him on the back but he didn’t even have a single feeling of pain. He put me on the ground and cornered me between him and a tree. He looked dead serious what’s his problem.

‘What do you think kidnapping me Gajeel!?’ I screamed but he didn’t move.

‘Why did you go on a date with him shrimp?’ His voice was colder than normal.

‘For your information I can go on a date with whoever I want.’

‘That isn’t an answer to my question shrimp.’

‘I told you not to call me shrimp!’ I really was getting annoyed.

‘What do you want anyways?’

‘Levy answers the damn question? Do you love him is that it?’ Gajeel came closer to me.

‘That has nothing to do with you.’ I noticed he didn’t call me shrimp. He was serious but I was too.

‘Tell me Levy! Do you love him?’ He came closer again and our faces were now pretty close.

‘Fine no I don’t you’re happy now why can’t you just leave me alone!? Don’t you have to go battling for Juvia’s hand or something!?’ The tears start streaming out of my eyes. I couldn’t handle it any more. I realized something important. I was in love with Gajeel. But he didn’t love me back. That was the story. Why was he still bothering her anyway? Gajeel came even closer and our noses were touching each other. I could feel his warm breath tickling my skin. I was blushing so hard right now.

‘Levy I can’t leave you alone, you see that was just an act to make Gray jealous I’m not in love with Juvia.’

My heart stopped beating for a second there. He just told me he didn’t love Juvia. But I just don’t get why? Why was he here?

‘You know shrimp iron can be hard to break through but when you put your heart on it you can break it. That’s what you did to my iron heart shrimp you broke though it to the point I can’t get you out of it.’ With that Gajeel crashed his lips on mine. It took me a few seconds before I kissed him back. We kissed until we had no breath anymore.

‘I love you Levy Mcgarden.’

‘I love you too Gajeel Redfox.’ 


Here it is minna^-^. Gale is canon!!! Will the other ships also get together or will there be more complications? Next time Chapter 10: Fairy VS. Demon.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fairy Tail. Hiro Mashima does! I only own the plot.

Until next time^~^

- Sashax_x

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