Chapter 18: Megan, Troy and Jason

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Lucy POV 

After I was kidnapped I woke up in a cell. My hands are tied up together with some rope while my feet are tied up against the wall. The cell itself isn't very special. In fact the only thing in it am I. There's a little window what serves as my only source of light. Since I woke up nobody has come to check on me what means that I haven't eaten in forever. My keys aren't with me what keeps me from using magic. Suddenly a ticking sound can be heard. It becomes louder every second. The shadow revealed itself and dropped a body before the cell on the ground. The person was unconscious and looked pretty beat up. The girl on the floor had long blue hair and a blue outfit what was ripped in some parts.  


Tears made there way down my cheeks while looking at Juvia's unconscious body. Her face was covered in dried blood and her stomach was full of bruising's.  

'You like her new look? I think we gave her a nice make over.' 

The woman laughed like a mad person. Anger building up inside of me while looking at Juvia. They did that to her. That woman did this to her. Her laugh was dark and evil and could be heard all over the place. Her big brown eyes showing nothing but madness.  

'You're insane.' 

'Oh really?' She smirked before kicking Juvia in the stomach. 

'Stop that!' 

She opened the cell door and kicked Juvia in the stomach several times until her body stopped by my feet. She than closed the cell door and made her way towards the exit. 

'Why?' I whispered. 

'Why what darling?' 

'Why did you do that to her you filthy witch!' 

She turned around and walked again towards the cell. Her smirk never leaving her face. Her green hair was swinging with every movement.  

'For your information this filthy witch has a name.'  

'You mean it,' I said sarcastic while rolling my eyes but she just acted like she didn't saw that and continued with her story. 

'Well if you want to know so badly I will tell you, don't need to beg for it blondie.' 

'I never said I wanted to know it.' 

'My name is Megan and I'm the leader of the group that kidnapped you.' 

'You don't say.' 

'Now you're probably thinking why I would kidnap someone like you?' 

'Not really.' 

'It's really simple. I need the male wizards for my plan. Now you're probably thinking again why would I kidnap a ugly girl like you?' 


'You see the male wizards will come to rescue their little girlfriends and than I will capture them and make them mine.' 

'Why are you even telling me this?' 

'Now you're probably thinking why do I want the male wizards to be mine?' 

'Let me guess for your collection of male wizards?' 

'How did you know!?' 

Her eyes widened with shock even I myself was in shock. I just guessed randomly!? Megan regained her composure and began talking again. Can't she just shut up? 

'But don't worry darling I'll make sure that your boyfriend sees you before you die.' 

'Thanks I guess?' 

'But don't you already have two male wizards why do you need more?' I asked with curiosity.  

'I knew someone as low ranked as you wouldn't understand,' She let out a sad and dramatic sigh.   


'First that are my brothers, Troy and Jason. They're only helping me to get what I want. Second I need more servants but a filthy mudblood as you would never understand a pure-blood like me,' She said over dramatically. 

'Again offended.' 

'Oh well I need to go. It was nice talking to you blondie see you later.'  

Megan stood up and walked away leaving me and an unconscious Juvia in the cold cell. The only thing that I could hear after that was the sound of little raindrops.  

'Natsu please save me.' 


Hey Minna,

Well that was chapter 18. I hope you enjoyed it. I have some questions about the next chapter. What ship would you like to see next?







Please comment wich ship you would like to see next, kay? Also if you want please check out my new Nalu one-shot called: Snow, heat and blood.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima does! I only own the plot and Megan, Troy and Jason.

Until next time^~^,


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